Wednesday, November 27, 2019
WASP - Women Pilots of World War II
WASP - Women Pilots of World War II In the United States, women pilots were trained to fly non-combat missions in order to free male pilots for combat missions. They ferried planes from the manufacturing plants to military bases, and ended up doing much more - including flying new aircraft such as the B-29, to prove to male pilots that these were not as difficult to fly as the men thought! Well before World War II became imminent, women had made their mark as pilots. Amelia Earhart, Jacqueline Cochran, Nancy Harkness Love, Bessie Coleman and Harriet Quimby were only a few of the women record-holders in aviation. In 1939, women were allowed to be part of the Civilian Pilot Training Program, a program designed to train college students to fly, with an eye to national defense. But women were limited by quota to one woman for every ten men in the program. Jackie Cochran and Nancy Harkness Love separately proposed the use by the military of women. Cochran lobbied Eleanor Roosevelt, writing a 1940 letter urging that a womens division of the Air Force be established especially to ferry planes from manufacturing plants to military bases. With no such American program supporting the Allies in their war effort, Cochran and 25 other American women pilots joined the British Air Transportation Auxiliary. Shortly after, Nancy Harkness Love was successful in getting the Womens Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) established, and a few women were hired. Jackie Cochran returned to establish the Womens Flying Training Detachment (WFTD). On August 5, 1943, these two efforts - WAFS and WFTD - merged to become the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), with Cochran as director. More than 25,000 women applied - with requirements including a pilots license and many hours experience. The first class graduated on December 17, 1943. The women had to pay their own way to the training program in Texas. A total of 1830 were accepted into training and 1074 women graduated from WASP training during its existence, plus 28 WAFS. The women were trained the Army way and their graduation rate was similar to that for male military pilots. The WASP was never militarized, and those who served as WASP were considered civil service employees. There was considerable opposition to the WASP program in the press and in Congress. General Henry Hap Arnold, US Army Air Force commander, first supported the program, then disbanded it. The WASP was deactivated December 20, 1944, having flown about 60 million miles in operations. Thirty-eight WASP were killed, including some during training. Records of WASP were classified and sealed, so historians minimized or ignored the women pilots. In 1977 - the same year the Air Force graduated its first post-WASP women pilots - Congress granted veteran status to those who had served as WASP, and in 1979 issued official honorable discharges. Wings Across America is a project to tape memories of WASP. Note: WASP is the correct use even in the plural for the program. WASPs is incorrect, because the P stands for Pilots so its already plural.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Understanding the Backlash Against Feminism
Understanding the Backlash Against Feminism Backlash is a negative and/or hostile reaction to an idea, especially a political idea. The term is usually used to refer to a reaction that happens after some time, as opposed to an instant negative reaction when an idea is presented. The backlash often occurs after the idea or event has had some popularity. The term has been applied to feminism and womens rights since about 1990. There is often perceived to be a backlash against feminism in U.S. politics and public media. Politics After the great successes of the women’s liberation movement, a backlash against the â€Å"second wave†of feminism began during the 1970s. Social historians and feminist theorists see the beginning of the political backlash against feminism in several different events: The volatile political climate surrounding the effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)The anti-feminist groups who attacked the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decisionThe election of Ronald ReaganThe rise of Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority organization Media There was also a backlash against feminism found in the media: In declarations that feminism is deadIn the description of the 1980s and beyond as â€Å"post-feminist†In the narrative that treats feminism as a movement of the past rather than a still evolving forceIn the accepted use of stereotypes of feminist women, and of women in general Feminists point out that in the late 1800s and early 1900s, powerful voices also tried to sweep â€Å"first wave†feminism out of the public’s awareness. The publication of Susan Faludis Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women in 1991 began a significant public conversation on the fate of feminism in the 1980s. The attack on the Equal Rights Amendment by the New Right, especially by Phyllis Schlafly and her STOP-ERA campaign, had been disappointing, but with Faludis book, other trends became more apparent to those who read her best-seller. Today Women remain underrepresented among media decision-makers, and many have looked at later trends as being part of a continuing backlash against feminism, scapegoating womens rights advocacy for not only making women unhappy but destroying masculinity. In the 1990s, legislation about welfare seemed to make poor single mothers responsible for the problems of the American family. Continuing opposition to womens reproductive rights and decision-making authority regarding birth control and abortion has been described as a war on women, echoing Faludis book title. In 2014, a media campaign, Women Against Feminism, took to social media as yet another kind of backlash against feminism. Susan Faludis Backlash In 1991, Susan Faludi published  Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. This book examined the trend at that time, and similar backlashes in the past, to reverse womens gains in moving towards equality. The book became a best-seller. The National Books Critics Circle Award was given in 1991 to Backlash by Faludi. From her first chapter: Behind this celebration of the American womans victory, behind the news, cheerfully and endlessly repeated, that the struggle for womens rights is won, another message flashes. You may be free and equal now, it says to women, but you have never been more miserable. Faludi examined the inequalities that faced American women during the 1980s. Her inspiration was a Newsweek cover story in 1986 about a scholarly study, coming out of Harvard and Yale, supposedly showing that single career women had little chance of marrying. She noticed that the statistics didnt really demonstrate that conclusion, and she began noticing other media stories that seemed to show that feminist gains had actually hurt women. The womens movement, as we are told time and again, has proved womens own worst enemy. In the 550 pages of the book, she also documented the factory closings in the 1980s and the effect on blue-collar women workers. She also noted that the United States was alone among industrialized nations in not providing a system of child care, making it more difficult for women, still expected to be primary caregivers of the familys children, to enter the workforce on an equal basis to men. Despite her analysis including racial and class issues, critics have pointed out that her book largely addresses issues of middle class and successful white women. With her focus on the marriage study, critics also noted the focus on heterosexual women. She documented many ways in which the media, including advertisers, newspapers, movies, and television, blamed feminism for problems of American women and families. She showed that the common media myths of unhappy women were not accurate. The movie Fatal Attraction seemed to sum up the negative image of a woman. Mary Tyler Moores independent character of the 1970s had been remade into a divorcee in a new 1980s series. Cagney and Lacy was canceled because the characters didnt fit feminine stereotypes. Fashions featured more frills and restrictive clothing. Faludis book also documented the role of the New Right, anti-feminist conservative movement, identifying itself as pro-family. The Reagan years, for Faludi, were not good ones for women.  Faludi saw the backlash as a recurring trend. She showed how each time that women seemed to make progress towards equal rights, the media of the day highlighted supposed harm to women, and at least some of the gains were reversed. Some of the negativity about feminism came from feminists: Even founding feminist Betty Friedan has been spreading the word: she warns that women now suffer from a new identity crisis and new problems that have no name. This article has been edited and content added by Jone Johnson Lewis.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Write introduction about skydivers and paratroopers and various laws Essay
Write introduction about skydivers and paratroopers and various laws of conservation that work in this case - Essay Example The laws of conservation are applicable in this technique because of the transfer of energy to other parts of the body. One should place their feet together, bend their knees, and tip over to a chosen side just as the ground is touched. Through this, the weight of the fall does not concentrate on the feet, rather it spreads throughout the body. Momentum gained during a fall depends on mass and velocity. The longer the time taken to land, the lesser the impact, and in consequence, bending knees is an effort to elongate the period of the force of impact. A longer period of impact scientifically means that the effects of the impact are transferred and reduced. If a paratrooper or skydiver hits the ground with legs unfolded, he/she may break a bone or suffer worse injuries because of the sudden impact of force (Mei-Dan & Carmont, 2012). If the knees are bent, and one moves towards either side, the force of impact happens in a longer period, which is less deleterious to the person landing. In physics, the term conservation means that there is no loss in energy, only that it is transferred through objects without net change in the energy. It is necessary to roll as much as possible to ensure that the energy is tolerably transferred in the process of landing. Apart from mild and serious injury, poor landing causes unnecessary embarrassment to a paratrooper or a skydiver. For this reason, there are diverse safety measure that skydivers and paratroopers must take to ensure successful landing. It is necessary to understand basic factors such as terrain, wind direction, an oscillation of the paratrooper or skydiver. These factors often vary and no matter the intensity of training given (Orlick, 2014), without proper information on natural factors, landing may be catastrophic. Injuries are common on the ankles, but necessary security measures must also be taken to protect the torso,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Whole Foods Market Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Whole Foods Market - Case Study Example This case study provides a different look at the situation, wherein the specificity of the supplies is what gives the product and services of WFM its value. Following the turn of the millennium the market for natural and organic food sales shifted from niche to mainstream. Once considered excessive in terms of cost and unimportant in terms of health, WFM pioneered and developed an industry that now accounts for more than 2.5%, or $13.8 billion in US food sales annually. This product line has shown greater growth in sales than traditional grocery offerings for the last several years. Further, studies indicate that this trend will continue into the future as the Baby Boomers reach senior status, their children enter middle age and their grandchildren reach adulthood. Each of these generations has enjoyed a greater degree of disposable income and exposure to higher education; factors which both play a major role in WFM’s market demographic. With that said, at the time this study was written, their organizational objective was to reach $12 billion in revenue and have more than 300 stores in operation (Harasta & Hoffman, n.d.). They w ere able to achieve only half of this objective by reaching 304 store locations domestically and another 12 internationally for a total of 316 current locations (â€Å"Our Stores,†n.d.). Unfortunately, while up 12% from 2009, they fell short of their fiscal goals reaching $9 billion in sales in 2010 (McCann, 2010); however with only half of the 2011 fiscal year gone they have significantly overtaken the half-way mark of 2010 by already producing $5.4 billion in sales (McCann, 2011). WFM face three pivotal issues that are hindering their ability to expand at a faster pace: Increased competition, rigid target market requirements and a limited supply of natural and organic goods. Currently, they control 47% of organic food sales in the US; however similar vendors and national supermarket chains have taken notice of the profitability of natural products and entered the market with varying degrees of success.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Gender and Flag Question Essay Example for Free
Gender and Flag Question Essay Feminists argue that gender matters because _____. Select one: a. it helps us bring some order to a chaotic world b. it structures social relations between people c. it emphasizes natural differences that exist between men and women d. there are roles for which men are each better suited and other roles for which women are better suited Question 2 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Your introductory sociology professor believes that gender roles serve a purpose in society to fulfill certain functions. What type of theoretical background is your professor espousing? Select one: a. conflict b. postmodern c. structuration d. structural functionalism Question 3 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Which of the following theories is associated with the idea that gender is a processâ€â€a product of our everyday social interactions? Select one: a. psychoanalytic theory b. conflict theory c. microinteractionist theory d. postmodern theory Question 4 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text How might a sociologist describe the difference between homosexuality and homosexual behavior? Select one: a. Homosexuality is a fixed social identity that is determined at birth, and homosexual behavior is the outward manifestation of that identity. b. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, whereas homosexual behavior is a choice about how to act in a particular moment and context. c. Homosexuality implies having a certain social identity, whereas homosexual behavior is a choice about a particular activity at a particular time. d. Homosexuality implies obtaining a social identity through repeated homosexual behavior Question 5 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text While policies that overtly discriminate against women have mostly been driven from the workplace, there still exist covert barriers that are often referred to as _____. Select one: a. the mommy track b. the glass ceiling c. hegemonic masculinity d. the glass escalator Question 6 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text _____ is a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity. Select one: a. Patriarchy b. Sexism c. Matriarchy d. Hegemonic masculinity Question 7 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Gender studies can be said to focus on the relationship between _____. Select one: a. nature and nurture b. sex and sexuality c. men and women d. sexual preference and social environment Question 8 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Which of the following statements offers an essentialist explanation for gender differences? Select one: a. Women find themselves in lower paying jobs with fewer opportunities for advancement because such jobs make it easier for them to balance work and family. b. Women take on more responsibility for domestic tasks because men still think of such things as women’s work. c. There are far fewer women professors in the hard sciences because women are tracked toward the humanities and social sciences. d. Women are overrepresented in professions such as nursing, teaching, and social work because they are inherently more nurturing and caring than men. Question 9 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Women working in male-dominated professions often find that there are _____ opportunities for advancement, and men working in female-dominated professions often advance _____ their female colleagues. Select one: a. limited; more slowly than b. limited; as quickly as c. ample; as quickly as . limited; more quickly than Question 10 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text The interview with Paula England highlights the changing gender dynamics of relationships for college students. In what way have the female college students that Dr. England describes lost a level of equality with male college students? Select one : a. Women have more limited choices in dating partners. b. Women encounter a lack of reciprocal sexual pleasure. c. Women encounter reduced communication about relationships from men. d. Women are burdened with a larger share of the â€Å"emotional work†required to keep a relationship function.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Creator Who Started the Trend of Vampire Essay -- Literary Analysi
The Creator Who Started the Trend of Vampire Bram Stoker was the author of the world-wide famous novel, Dracula (1897). He was born on November 8, 1847 in Dublin, Ireland. His full name was Abraham, but was called Bram for short. Unlike today’s families, he grew up living with seven siblings. When he was young, he was an enfeebled child bedridden for his first 8 years. His father, Abraham Stoker (1799-1876), was a civil servant – someone who works for the government – and his mother was Charlotte Mathilda Blake Thornley (1818-1901). He married actress Florence Baleombe (1858-1937) in 1878. Stoker and Florence had one son named Irving Noel Thornley Stoker (1879-1961). (Merriman, 1) Even though Stoker was a sallow child, he eventually recovered and was able to attend Trinity College to study a variety of subjects. He studied mathematics, participated in sports, and was designated a spot on the school council as president of the Philosophical Society. He graduated with honors in 1870. (Merriman, 1) Due to his father’s occupation, Bram Stoker himself became a civil servant while reviewing dramatic theater. Stoker quit being a civil servant to pursue his career as a writer through the meeting of Sir Henry Irving (1838-1905), an actor for William Shakespeare’s plays and manager of the Lyceum Theater in London. With Sir Henry Irving, being one of Stoker’s reliable friends, he offered him the job of becoming co-manager of Lyceum Theater in London, where he continued to delve into the writing world. (Weinfeld, 365) From there on, he wrote many books, one of which he created the masterpiece Dracula (1897). Dracula Stoker’s first copy of Dracula (1897) was published in the year 1887, starting the trend of vampires. It underwent numero... ...tinue to live on to this day. He based Count Dracula on two historical people – Vlad Tepes and Elisabeth Bathory. Using mainly these two characters, Stoker created a book on which it would be the founder of vampire books. Without the existence of Bram Stoker, vampires might not have been as popular as they are today. For instance, in today’s world, vampire books such as Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and Vampire Academy have become world famous through vampirism. Movies have even been based on Dracula (1897), similarly close to the original, using special effects on how to kill a vampire. Without the publication of Dracula (1897), there would not have been dark, gory, or evil stories to set off the advances using a new essence of writing. With Stoker’s great mind and ability to create Dracula (1897), it changed the thought of many writers throughout the world. The Creator Who Started the Trend of Vampire Essay -- Literary Analysi The Creator Who Started the Trend of Vampire Bram Stoker was the author of the world-wide famous novel, Dracula (1897). He was born on November 8, 1847 in Dublin, Ireland. His full name was Abraham, but was called Bram for short. Unlike today’s families, he grew up living with seven siblings. When he was young, he was an enfeebled child bedridden for his first 8 years. His father, Abraham Stoker (1799-1876), was a civil servant – someone who works for the government – and his mother was Charlotte Mathilda Blake Thornley (1818-1901). He married actress Florence Baleombe (1858-1937) in 1878. Stoker and Florence had one son named Irving Noel Thornley Stoker (1879-1961). (Merriman, 1) Even though Stoker was a sallow child, he eventually recovered and was able to attend Trinity College to study a variety of subjects. He studied mathematics, participated in sports, and was designated a spot on the school council as president of the Philosophical Society. He graduated with honors in 1870. (Merriman, 1) Due to his father’s occupation, Bram Stoker himself became a civil servant while reviewing dramatic theater. Stoker quit being a civil servant to pursue his career as a writer through the meeting of Sir Henry Irving (1838-1905), an actor for William Shakespeare’s plays and manager of the Lyceum Theater in London. With Sir Henry Irving, being one of Stoker’s reliable friends, he offered him the job of becoming co-manager of Lyceum Theater in London, where he continued to delve into the writing world. (Weinfeld, 365) From there on, he wrote many books, one of which he created the masterpiece Dracula (1897). Dracula Stoker’s first copy of Dracula (1897) was published in the year 1887, starting the trend of vampires. It underwent numero... ...tinue to live on to this day. He based Count Dracula on two historical people – Vlad Tepes and Elisabeth Bathory. Using mainly these two characters, Stoker created a book on which it would be the founder of vampire books. Without the existence of Bram Stoker, vampires might not have been as popular as they are today. For instance, in today’s world, vampire books such as Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and Vampire Academy have become world famous through vampirism. Movies have even been based on Dracula (1897), similarly close to the original, using special effects on how to kill a vampire. Without the publication of Dracula (1897), there would not have been dark, gory, or evil stories to set off the advances using a new essence of writing. With Stoker’s great mind and ability to create Dracula (1897), it changed the thought of many writers throughout the world.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How Multi-Agency Teams Work Together to Form a Support Network
14. 4. 2 Peter explained that multi-agency teams work together to form a support network, they also work together to make the best plan/programme for the parents, school and child to get the best possible outcome and the child to achieve their potential. A child struggling with communicating and language may see a speech and language therapist, special education needs co-ordinator, psychologist, depending on the child’s requirement all have a different job within the team to get the best out of the child. Special Education Needs Co-ordinator – They organise all the members in the team and keeps checks on how things are going and making sure that all members are talking to each other by planning meetings. Speech and language therapist – They diagnosis the communication delay and advice on ways the child can be helped and sets down a plan/programme. If a child is coping with other forms of disability then there are other team member that can help to bring the best out in a child, if they are have a visual impairment or have autism. Sensory support teacher – help children and advice schools that have visual or auditory impairment on how to keep the child involved and what they need to do extra to make the child feel at ease. Autism advisory teacher- advise schools on the needs of a child with autism, who maybe struggling with social interaction and communication. They may work with the child at the school to get the best outcome. If none of the above are having affect and the child still doesn’t seem to be making the right progress then an Educational Psychologist may come involved to talk to the child and find out if there are other problems affecting the child that other members in the team cannot see. All the above have to have a good working relationship together to get the best outcome for the child, each on brings different advice and support for the parents and school so that their child can achieve the best in either the fastest time or over a long period.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mr. William Bryant And His Romantic Antics Essay
Romanticism is a style of writing based in the late 19th century. It is characterized by nature, individual expression, emotion and imagination. Many writers in his time were part of the Romantic Movement and William Cullen Bryant was one of them. His poems are full of Romantic ideals such as the benevolence of Nature and the emphasis on emotion. Bryant is clearly a Romantic poet and his poems â€Å"Thanatopsis†and â€Å"To a Waterfowl†are clearly illustrations of this. Nature is a big part of both â€Å"Thanatopsis†and â€Å"To a Waterfowl†. In â€Å"Thanatopsis†, Nature actually has a speaking part. The personified Nature teaches the reader to not fear death, but accept it as a part of life. Nature in this poem is very comforting. She is described in detail and is portrayed as calm and compassionate in her way of speaking. In â€Å"To a Waterfowl†, nature is also important and in this poem, it is more concrete than the Nature in â€Å"Thanatopsis†. Bryant is talking about a lone waterfowl that is flying through the air. The waterfowl is part of nature and he questions it as if it would answer. In Romantic poetry, it would answer, as in Thanatopsis, where nature actually speaks to the reader. This also shows the freedom and the mystical aspect in his writing. Idealism is also a big romantic characteristic in these poems. In Thanatopsis, realism would consider death a dark and horrible thing. However, the idealistic Bryant portrayed it as a part of life and that dying would bring you back to the divine Nature. In â€Å"To a Waterfowl†, the bird is solitary because he is a freethinking spirit and is flying free from other’s conventional ideas. This appeals to the radical and the idealistic Romantic in him. This poetry by William Cullen Bryant is clearly of the Romantic style. He uses nature in his poetry in an aesthetic way, stating it as a kind being. Idealism is used in a romantic manner, glorifying death and showing the freedom of life in its natural form. His poetry is full of content and emotion with forgiveness and love. Bryant’s â€Å"Thanatopsis†and â€Å"To a Waterfowl†are two excellent examples of Romantic poetry because they use Romantic ideas of freedom, idealism, and benevolence of nature.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Refutation Definition and Examples
Refutation Definition and Examples In rhetoric, refutation is the part of an argument in which a speaker or writer counters opposing points of view. Also called confutation. Refutation is the key element in debate, say the authors of The Debaters Guide (2011). Refutation makes the whole process exciting by relating ideas and arguments from one team to those of the other (The Debaters Guide, 2011). In speeches, refutation and confirmation are often presented conjointly with one another (in the words of the unknown author of Ad Herrenium): support for a claim (confirmation) can be enhanced by a challenge to the validity of an opposing claim (refutation). In classical rhetoric, refutation was one of the rhetorical exercises known as the progymnasmata. Examples and Observations Refutation is the part of an essay that disproves the opposing arguments. It is always necessary in a persuasive paper to refute or answer those arguments. A good method for formulating your refutation is to put yourself in the place of your readers, imagining what their objections might be. In the exploration of the issues connected with your subject, you may have encountered possible opposing viewpoints in discussions with classmates or friends. In the refutation, you refute those arguments by proving the opposing basic proposition untrue or showing the reasons to be invalid...In general, there is a question about whether the refutation should come before or after the proof. The arrangement will differ according to the particular subject and the number and strength of the opposing arguments. If the opposing arguments are strong and widely held, they should be answered at the beginning. In this case, the refutation becomes a large part of the proof . . .. At other times when the opp osing arguments are weak, the refutation will play only a minor part in the overall proof. -Winifred Bryan Horner, Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition. St. Martins, 1988 Indirect and Direct Refutation Debaters refute through an indirect means when they use counter-argument to attack the case of an opponent. Counter-argument is the demonstration of such a high degree of probability for your conclusions that the opposing view loses its probability and is rejected...Direct refutation attacks the arguments of the opponent with no reference to the constructive development of an opposing view...The most effective refutation, as you can probably guess, is a combination of the two methods so that the strengths of the attack come from both the destruction of the opponents views and the construction of an opposing view. -Jon M. Ericson, James J. Murphy, and Raymond Bud Zeuschner, The Debaters Guide, 4th ed. Southern Illinois University Press, 2011An effective refutation must speak directly to an opposing argument. Often writers or speakers will claim to be refuting the opposition, but rather than doing so directly, will simply make another argument supporting their own side. This is a fo rm of the fallacy of irrelevance through evading the issue. -Donald Lazere, Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy: The Critical Citizens Guide to Argumentative Rhetoric. Taylor Francis, 2009 Cicero on Confirmation and Refutation [T]he statement of the case . . . must clearly point out the question at issue. Then must be conjointly built up the great bulwarks of your cause, by fortifying your own position, and weakening that of your opponent; for there is only one effectual method of vindicating your own cause, and that includes both the confirmation and refutation. You cannot refute the opposite statements without establishing your own; nor can you, on the other hand, establish your own statements without refuting the opposite; their union is demanded by their nature, their object, and their mode of treatment. The whole speech is, in most cases, brought to a conclusion by some amplification of the different points, or by exciting or mollifying the judges; and every aid must be gathered from the preceding, but more especially from the concluding parts of the address, to act as powerfully as possible upon their minds, and make them zealous converts to your cause. -Cicero, De Oratore, 55 BC Richard Whately on Refutation Refutation of Objections should generally be placed in the midst of the Argument; but nearer the beginning than the end. If indeed very strong objections have obtained much currency, or have been just stated by an opponent, so that what is asserted is likely to be regarded as paradoxical, it may be advisable to begin with a Refutation. -Richard Whately, Elements of Rhetoric, 1846)​ FCC Chairman William Kennards Refutation There will be those who say Go slow. Dont upset the status quo. No doubt we will hear this from competitors who perceive that they have an advantage today and want regulation to protect their advantage. Or we will hear from those who are behind in the race to compete and want to slow down deployment for their own self-interest. Or we will hear from those that just want to resist changing the status quo for no other reason than change brings less certainty than the status quo. They will resist change for that reason alone. So we may well hear from a whole chorus of naysayers. And to all of them, I have only one response: we cannot afford to wait. We cannot afford to let the homes and schools and businesses throughout America wait. Not when we have seen the future. We have seen what high capacity broadband can do for education and for our economy. We must act today to create an environment where all competitors have a fair shot at bringing high capacity bandwidth to consumers- especial ly residential consumers. And especially residential consumers in rural and underserved areas. -William Kennard, Chairman of the FCC, July 27, 1998 Etymology: From the Old English, beat Pronunciation: REF-yoo-TAY-shun
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How Soap Works
How Soap Works Soaps are sodium or potassium fatty acids salts, produced from the hydrolysis of fats in a chemical reaction called saponification. Each soap molecule has a long hydrocarbon chain, sometimes called its tail, with a carboxylate head. In water, the sodium or potassium ions float free, leaving a negatively-charged head. Key Takeaways: Soap Soap is a fatty acid of a salt.Soaps are used as cleansers and lubricants.Soap cleans by acting as a surfactant and emulsifier. It can surround oil, making it easier to rinse it away with water. How Soap Cleans Soap is an excellent cleanser because of its ability to act as an emulsifying agent. An emulsifier is capable of dispersing one liquid into another immiscible liquid. This means that while oil (which attracts dirt) doesnt naturally mix with water, soap can suspend oil/dirt in such a way that it can be removed. The organic part of natural soap is a negatively-charged, polar molecule. Its hydrophilic (water-loving) carboxylate group (-CO2) interacts with water molecules via ion-dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding. The hydrophobic (water-fearing) part of a soap molecule, its long, nonpolar hydrocarbon chain, does not interact with water molecules. The hydrocarbon chains are attracted to each other by dispersion forces and cluster together, forming structures called micelles. In these micelles, the carboxylate groups form a negatively-charged spherical surface, with the hydrocarbon chains inside the sphere. Because they are negatively charged, soap micelles repel each other and remain dispersed in water. Grease and oil are nonpolar and insoluble in water. When soap and soiling oils are mixed, the nonpolar hydrocarbon portion of the micelles break up the nonpolar oil molecules. A different type of micelle then forms, with nonpolar soiling molecules in the center. Thus, grease and oil and the dirt attached to them are caught inside the micelle and can be rinsed away. The Disadvantage of Soap Although soaps are excellent cleansers, they do have disadvantages. As salts of weak acids, they are converted by mineral acids into free fatty acids: CH3(CH2)16CO2-Na HCl → CH3(CH2)16CO2H Na Cl- These fatty acids are less soluble than the sodium or potassium salts and form a precipitate or soap scum. Because of this, soaps are ineffective in acidic water. Also, soaps form insoluble salts in hard water, such as water containing magnesium, calcium, or iron. 2 CH3(CH2)16CO2-Na Mg2 → [CH3(CH2)16CO2-]2Mg2 2 Na The insoluble salts form bathtub rings, leave films that reduce hair luster, and gray/roughen textiles after repeated washings. Synthetic detergents, however, may be soluble in both acidic and alkaline solutions and dont form insoluble precipitates in hard water. But that is a different story... Sources IUPAC. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the Gold Book). Compiled by A. D. McNaught and A. Wilkinson. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford (1997). Archived. Klaus Schumann, Kurt Siekmann (2005). Soaps. Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. Thorsten Bartels et al. (2005). Lubricants and Lubrication. Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.​
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the management of foot ulceration and its Literature review
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the management of foot ulceration and its efficacy within the lower limb - Literature review Example Wound in lower limb are common and have tendency to turn chronic. There are basically 3 types of ulcers which can present in the lower limb. They are venous stasis ulcers, arterial or ischemic ulcers and neuropathic or diabetic ulcers. It is important to identify the type of wound because management and prognosis are different for different types of wound. Venous stasis ulcers are mainly located below the knee and in the inner aspects of the leg just above the ankle, like the medial malleolus (Gabriel and Camp, 2008). They occur when inadequate action of the calf muscle to pump out blood results in venous hypertension (Gabriel and Camp, 2008). The base of the ulcer is usually red, the borders are irregular and the ulcer may be covered with yellowish tissue. Fluid drainage is a characteristic feature of venous ulcer. The surrounding skin will be discolored and swollen and may feel warm (Gabriel and Camp, 2008). Ischemic or arterial ulcers are usually located in the feet, especially in regions where there is friction between toes or parts of feet with shoes, or when there is a deformity. They are more likely to occur in the periphery where there is decreased blood supply. The ulcer base is yellowish, grey or black and does not bleed (Gabriel and Camp, 2008). The borders are initially irregular and later have a regular appearance. Neuropathic ulcers commonly occur in diabetic patients and they are usually located at pressure points on the plantar aspect of the feet. Neuropathy causes loss of foot sensation and also changes in sweat-producing glands increasing the risk of being unaware of foot trauma, injuries and callosities. The ulcers appear punched out with the surrounding skin callosed. The ulcer may appear pink or brown (Gabriel and Camp, 2008). Lower extremity ulcers have varied prognosis and are associated with many complications. They are the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Education and career goals for a scholarship Essay - 1
Education and career goals for a scholarship - Essay Example Hence, serve the global community better as an accountant in an area that I have passion in beside acting as a role model to young women. Many people in the community perceive accounting as a demanding career and by taking this challenge, I will encourage many young people to venture into this field. Additionally, women for long have been relegated to low-paying jobs in the service industry. For instance, waitressing and retail positions though this seems to be changing for the better and I would like to be a part of that shift. Therefore, it would be empowering to be among those intending to break the glass ceiling and assume strategic positions in the corporate sector. However, to be in a position to achieve these goals, I require a lot of support particularly financial. This is because my husband and I own a small business in Loveland whose net income is not even sufficient for us. We neither pay ourselves a salary nor do I have any other funding available from Stafford loans for my education. Hence, implying realizing my goals will be quite a challenge due to economic constraints, which we are experiencing. This is despite having searched relentlessly for organizations that would help me in achieving my academic goals. Therefore, based on my financial condition I believe that I deserve this scholarship opportunity. Since, I am hardworking, tenacious and always striving to succeed in every endeavor I undertake. Besides, I want to be a role model for other young women in my community. Therefore, awarding me this scholarship opportunity in your foundation will help me accomplish my educational and career goals. I look forward to your positive
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