Sunday, May 24, 2020
Challenging Robert T. Perrys Critique of Charles Murrays...
Real Education Is a four-year college really necessary for your desired occupation? Would you feel successful obtaining credentials in vocational training rather than a college degree? How would your parents feel with this choice? Questions like these are debated widely in our society today. In the essay, â€Å"On ‘Real Education’†, Robert T. Perry, the South Dakota Board of Regents director, declares â€Å"we need more, not fewer university and community college graduates†(625). He is responding to the contrasting stance on higher education that Charles Murray stated in his book, Real Education. Perry challenges Murray’s main claim that our country is wasting resources and time sending so many Americans with low intellectual capacities to college.†¦show more content†¦The arrangement of the essay is clear and organized, making it simple for the reader to follow. Perry provides background information, states his claim, presents evidence, and suggests solu tions. He does successfully present a thorough, convincing argument supporting why college graduates are important factors in our society’s success. The appeal to reader’s emotions is also a very effective technique. Gaining audience support increases the likelihood of â€Å"winning†the argument. However, the opposing viewpoint is criticized throughout the essay’s entirety; it is these deceitful representations that cause the most damage to Perry’s argument. Appealing to the reader’s emotions is the most effective strategy used in the essay. The first sentence Perry’s audience reads begins with, â€Å"Bell Curve author Charles Murray†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (625). He expects the audience to be familiar with Charles Murray and his scandalous book that caused public outrage and controversy in 1994. Relating intelligence levels to race and social class sparked a variety of feelings and opinions among people. Perry evokes the reader’s emotions by including this memory. If it arouses anger, the reader is more likely to evaluate Murray’s opinions critically. Presenting a negative circumstance around the opponent undermines their argument, or â€Å"poisons the well†. By starting the essay this way, it
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on LGBTQ Youth The Endless Strife - 1362 Words
Rudy Estrada and Rob Woronoff wrote of the following statement made by an adolescent during the 2002 Regional Listening Forum for LGBTQ youth: I realized that being gay is not my problem. It’s their problem. I see it as a social disease. I try not to get involved in negative communities. But I do try to teach them. I’d rather teach them than ignore them. Otherwise, the ignorance will continue and nothing will ever be done about it. (380) Ignorance is the root of nearly all tribulations surrounding the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning community. Education is a way to eradicate the ignorance. It is also the government’s responsibility to assist the LGBTQ community. In order to combat homelessness, parental abandonment,†¦show more content†¦These youths, especially those from the LGBTQ community, live a life filled with substance abuse and survival sex. Beyond that, 70 percent of the participants in the study stated conflicts with their parents were important contributors to their decision to leave home (1-2). â€Å"Helping LGBTQ Youth Transition to Adulthood depicts organizations such as Green Chimneys and One Heartland that exist to provide safe environments for LGBTQ youth. Green Chimneys is centered in New York and focuses on homeless adolescents (3). One Heartland, as told on their website, is an organization with the vision of â€Å"a world where everyone feels appreciated, c elebrated, and free of stigma and discrimination.†It values education and diversity (â€Å"Mission, Vision, and Values†). The government’s responsibility is to find better living environments for those who have no home. LGBTQ teens cannot continue to be swept under the rug and forgotten. Homelessness can seem like a haven to the LGBTQ community, rather than facing the misunderstanding in their homes (â€Å"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender HeathNew†2). Teenagers can be put into the child welfare system. As discussed in an article by Jill Jacobs and Madelyn Freundlich, ordinarily the goal is to find homes for minors (300). In the case of LGBTQ youth, the adolescents are usually entered into the foster
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Video Games On Society - 1274 Words
Violence in video games can affect ones mindset in so many different ways, where we don’t even realize it. For example playing â€Å"Grand Theft Auto†for a few hours will change your mindset. Even though it wouldn’t be in a tremendous way, but for a few minutes your mindset will think, â€Å"This game is so much fun, I want to steal cars, have police chase me, shoot at people, even steal helicopters†. According to Social scientists in the New York Times, Many studies have shown that this is becoming a major issue because of how realistic these games are starting to look. According to PBS Newshour, Another issue is, with all these major shootings, such as the Sandy Hook, The theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, The Newton Killer, Adam Lanza ; all show that they played many violent video games. But there can be other reasons as to why they made such a major impact to this world. It could have been depression, bullying as a child, feeling socially isolated, or even a certain state of mind, where they feel like they have to transform that game into real life. PBS Newshour, Reports that the Newton killer, Adam Lanza, spent hours playing games such as â€Å"World of Warcraft†, which led him to leave 20 children dead with no remorse. Jeffrey Brown, a consultant, went to North Virginia to speak with young high school children who actually play these games. He asks them about what does it do to their state of mind. One student admitted that he is fully aware of the violence and all the action inShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1463 Words  | 6 Pages Movies, video games, music and television shows come in different genres. However, depending on age in regards to youth not just anyone is allowed to: watch certain movies, buy just any video game, listen to any music or watch any tv show. Sometimes they can see certain movies with a parent or guardian. Seeing violence in excess causes violent acts to take place in society because it gives ideas to viewers or listeners especially those who are young. This the reason there are ratings for mediaRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society Essay1380 Words  | 6 Pagesthe 1970’s, video games in America have been controversial. Currently around 97% of America s children play video games in some form; from home consoles such as Xbox, to personal computers and mobile games on smartphones, even in an educational form, video games are nearly everywhere and bringing in big money. Around $21 billion is being funneled into a domestic video game industry. But what are these kids viewing when playing video games and how does that affect their role in society? A commonRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society1525 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The reason why people find it so enjoyable is that games are usually the right degree of challenging and the player takes an active role (unlike watching television) so there is an incentive to achieve†(Gee). Ever since video games were invented there was an immediate attachment and an unwillingness to release them. They present chances to accomplish things one may not be able to do in their life, and provides an escape from reality. Video games also imprint and teach new skills to the gamers whoRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society980 Words  | 4 PagesAs a growing medium, video games are often associated with various negative connotations that have obfuscated its positive contributions made to society. As a result, the general public is unaware of how video games have shaped modern-day, some eve n consider it a meaningless teenager pastime, but this is distant from reality. Video games are important to society at large because they do not serve for entertainment purposes only, they are a major force in the economy, scientific research, and militaryRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1588 Words  | 7 PagesSince the creation of Spacewar in spring of 1962, video games have dramatically improved along with technology. It has become the most popular way of entertainment in modern civilization, but it also has become a subject of public concern regarding to its negative effects on peoples psychological and physical problems, especially in children and teens. Video games are now recognized by a study as an addiction according to the journal Psychological Science: â€Å"Researchers used data on 1,200 childrenRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society2285 Words  | 10 PagesFrom the inception of Pong to the latest chapter of the video game series Assassinâ €™s Creed, virtual gaming has been scorned and shunned as a detriment to society. Older generations speculate that incessant gaming in young children insinuates violence, antipathy, lack of creative initiative, and develops an unhealthy isolation from the real world. However, in recent years, these postulates have been put to the test; a number of scientists have conducted experimentation in order to discover whetherRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Game On Society1466 Words  | 6 PagesFor generations games have been an important part of our culture. Many of these games center on war and strategic tactics. Boys and girls have played soldier, Cowboys and Indians, Monopoly, or Chess . Through games such as these the future men and women of society learned strategy and the consequences of controlling and restraining themselves because their actions had consequences. However with the invention of the computer high definition graphics, these games, and many others have been cre atedRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Society859 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to a U.S Study by Rideout Et Al (As Cited in Anderson Bushman 2001.a), the popularity of video games is rapidly increasing. In a U.S study by Butchman Funk (As Cited in Anderson Bushman 2001.b), Around 60 percent of 4th grade girls prefer violent games and about 3 out of every 4 boys with a similar age also prefer ferocious ones. This essay will argue that violence in video games should be censored. For the purpose of this essay, violence can be defined as the physical force intendedRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society1298 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction During the advent of video games, the world was taken by storm, as this new type of entertainment caught the attention and imagination of the populace; but as this attention grew, concern and scrutiny weren’t far behind. Controversy finally got its chance in the 1990s, when games finally upgraded to 16-bit, giving them the ability to depict realistic blood and gore in games like Moral Kombat; which was criticized for excessive violence, a reason Congress used to create the EntertainmentRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1632 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology is a large part of modern society, especially in industrial society. Depending on who you ask, people are either in favour of the advancement in technology or some are against its progression arguing that people have become too reliant. Cellphones are one of the main forms of technology that people talk about most, questioning whether they are a good thing or bad. Many people are also concerned with the advancem ent in video games, worrying that video games are the cause of crime and violence
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Overview of Internetworking Empowering Digital Employee
Question: Discuss about theOverview of Internetworkingfor Empowering Digital Employee. Answer: Introduction In a project management, it is crucial to evaluate the opportunities, challenges as well as limitations for predicting the outcome of the particular project. Development of information and communication technology, application of internetworking helps to provide additional benefits to the organization. The study describes scopes, challenges and limitations involved in the project. In addition, in order to implement the project in hospitality industry, hardware requirements along with network design has been proposed in the present study. Scopes of the Project It is important to analyze scopes involved in the project. Advancement of internetworking technologies allows getting competitive advantages in the business. Implementation of Cisco solution can be helpful for the staffs and customers of the organization. The solution enables the customers to be responsive to the customers. Moreover, adoption as well as implementation of the technology can create application on premises and advanced service as well as promotes the employees of the organization [1]. It is required to capture and digitize in the hospitality industry that can be achieved with the help of this project. Moreover, the solutions can be helpful to advise guests in effective way. The e associates can develop virtual experts to give face-to-face concierge services on mobile devices. It assists the staffs answering questions of the customers regarding local environment, site-seeing and shopping as well as other excursions. Challenges in the Project It is crucial to identify the challenges for identifying the challenges in the organization. The Cisco solution is based on internet. Hence, disruption over the online service may break down the entire process. In addition, it is required to maintain balance in the work operation that has a chance for hampering in the project. Implementation of the project requires knowledge on the information technology [2]. Therefore, the services require training on the matter. The company needs to bear additional costs to use the project. These are the challenges may faced by the organization in order to implement the project in the organization. Requirements for the Project Implementation of the project requires hardware that has some specifications. Hardware required for the project is servers, computers, cables, modem, network router, cables as well as mobile devices. The personal computer needs to have Windows 7/8/10 operating system specification, 500 GB hard drive memory and mobile devices [3]. Database server as well as web server is required for the project. In addition, twisted pair cable of CAT5E series, manufactured by Prysmian Australia Pty Ltd are required for the project. M27500-20TET14 model number is required for the project. The cable has capability of 100 MBPS TPDDI and 155 Mbps ATM. Port used for connection is 23. In the project, unshielded twisted cables are used. Network Design in Netsim Figure 1: Diagram of network in the organization (Source: Created by Author) From the above diagram, it can be stated that there are two routers in the organization. Two switches are connected with the routers. From the switch 1, PCs of staffs are connected along with phone. On the other router, Router 4, phone and PCs are connected. Advantages of Proposed Design It is important to analyze benefits of the design that are implemented in the present project. The project enables the staffs helping the consumers in pro active way with the help of mobile devices. It can enhance the responsiveness with on-site Wi-Fi networks. Moreover, speed on-boarding training can be achieved with the help of the technology [4]. Implementation of the technology optimizes the staffing based on the traffic patterns as well as analytics. Limitations of the Project The major limitations of the project are disruption of online connection. As the entire project is based on online services, any issues in the online system can break down the system [5]. In addition, the hospitality industry is 24*7 hours service; any problems in the operation can disrupt the process. Conclusions From the above discussion, it can be said that analyzing scopes, limitation as well as challenges for the project. In addition, description of the needs is useful to implement the project in successful way. Analyzing limitation can allows finding out the issues and generating solution in order to overcome the issues involved in the project. References [1]L. Palinkas, C. Brown, L. Saldana and P. Chamberlain, "Association between inter-organizational consensus on use of research evidence and stage of implementation of an evidence-based practice",Implementation Science, vol. 10, no. 1, 2015. [2]E. Sta?czyk-Hugiet, "Business Strategies - Inter-Firm Network Perspective",Organization and Management, vol. 2011, no. 5148, 2011. [3]S. Tasselli, "Social Networks and Inter-professional Knowledge Transfer: The Case of Healthcare Professionals",Organization Studies, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 841-872, 2015. [4]J. Vargas-Hernndez, A. De Len-Arias, A. Valdes-Zepeda and V. Castillo-Girn, "International Student Collaboration and Experiential Exercise Projects as a Professional, Inter-Personal and Inter-Institutional Networking Platform",JPAIR Institutional Research, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013. [5]H. Yu, T. Wen, H. Di, V. Anand and L. Li, "Cost efficient virtual network mapping across multiple domains with joint intra-domain and inter- domain mapping",Optical Switching and Networking, vol. 14, pp. 233-240, 2014.
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