Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Foxtrots Pharmacy free essay sample
A paper on equivalent work at Foxtrots Pharmacy. A paper talking about the issue of equivalent work at Foxtrots Pharmacy. A business, Carlos, accepts he has been victimized and needs to record an EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) guarantee. The paper incorporates a short poll followed with the EEOC position paper. I have made the accompanying proposal for settlement to Fox Trots. It has been validated that Fox Trots are disregarding segregation to its workers that are African-American, Native American, and Hispanics. My first suggestion is for Carlos. I prescribe that they consent to employ Carlos as a drug specialist for a long time, if toward the finish of that time they feel that Carlos doesn't match prerequisites important to his position then they could release him. In any case, in the event that he matches the position, at that point he ought to be kept on the compensation roll. I feel that Carlos ought to be taken care of pay from the time he initially applied to the current date. We will compose a custom paper test on Foxtrots Pharmacy or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Current Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Current Issues - Essay Example Each organization’s fundamental concern is to make and keep up beneficial work. While concerns have been expressed over sex issues, genuine change has not occurred. Authoritative learning should assist associations with reacting better to the requests of the earth. Today associations are relied upon to be more sexual orientation evenhanded and improve their ability to attempt advancement or human rights work that isn't sex one-sided (Kelleher, n.d.). This exposition will recognize the connection among sex and learning at work, lastly talk about how associations, which neglect to consider sexual orientation issues, can't become viable learning associations. As indicated by Khandekar and Sharma (2005) organizations understand that the manner in which an association learns is the key determinant for reasonable upper hand. As per Griego et al., (2000) today a learning association mirrors the desires of its pioneers. A learning associations centers around the qualities, standards and frameworks of an association that produces and adapts all in all. Learning associations lead to pivot examples of overcoming adversity in significant organizations. Through learning all the individuals constantly change themselves. It is better ready to gather, oversee and use information. Such associations permit their kin to grow and investigate their innovativeness, where new examples of reasoning are supported, and where individuals figure out how to learn together (Griego et al., 2000). As indicated by Griego et al., (2000) five HRD capacities have been ordered as key parts of a learning association. These incorporate preparing and instruction, prizes and acknowledgment, data stream, vision and procedure and individual group improvement. Preparing and training is an instrument for learning and learning encourages execution improvement. Acknowledgment supports employees’ regard and gives them a more noteworthy feeling of possession in the association. This outcomes is decreased turnover and truancy, more noteworthy worker intrigue and
Friday, August 21, 2020
Mind Mapping in Google+ Hangouts - Focus
Mind Mapping in Google+ Hangouts - Focus Update 8th March 2017: Unfortunately, Google has discontinued the support for integrations with Google Hangouts. For an overview of all current integrations available for MindMeister, please visit This is definitely a highlight announcement for us this year. Google Hangouts is a wildly popular video conferencing solution integrated in Google+ where users can chat, share their screens, show pictures and videos, host meetings, broadcast themselves to the world and much more. Hangouts create a huge amount of possibilities for people to connect. We were really impressed by this and right away started working on a MindMeister integration through the Hangouts API. Were happy to announce that its finished now, and all users of Google Hangouts will be able to simultaneously mind map while video chatting with up to 9 others. How Will It Work? Hangouts is a part of Google+, therefore users must be signed into their Google+ page. In addition to this you have to have this Google account linked with your MindMeister account. The first thing to do is to start a Hangout in Google+ and invite some friends or colleagues to join in. The MindMeister app can be added by selecting add apps in the left menu bar. Once these steps have been completed youre ready to start a mind mapping Hangout. The Hangout will have a mind map as the main screen view for everyone and then underneath will be the video thumbnails for each person. Example uses: Online Collaboration with video Conducting meetings Mind mapping webcasts Presentations Online teaching and tutoring much more Try it now! Mind Mapping in Google+ Hangouts - Focus Update 8th March 2017: Unfortunately, Google has discontinued the support for integrations with Google Hangouts. For an overview of all current integrations available for MindMeister, please visit This is definitely a highlight announcement for us this year. Google Hangouts is a wildly popular video conferencing solution integrated in Google+ where users can chat, share their screens, show pictures and videos, host meetings, broadcast themselves to the world and much more. Hangouts create a huge amount of possibilities for people to connect. We were really impressed by this and right away started working on a MindMeister integration through the Hangouts API. Were happy to announce that its finished now, and all users of Google Hangouts will be able to simultaneously mind map while video chatting with up to 9 others. How Will It Work? Hangouts is a part of Google+, therefore users must be signed into their Google+ page. In addition to this you have to have this Google account linked with your MindMeister account. The first thing to do is to start a Hangout in Google+ and invite some friends or colleagues to join in. The MindMeister app can be added by selecting add apps in the left menu bar. Once these steps have been completed youre ready to start a mind mapping Hangout. The Hangout will have a mind map as the main screen view for everyone and then underneath will be the video thumbnails for each person. Example uses: Online Collaboration with video Conducting meetings Mind mapping webcasts Presentations Online teaching and tutoring much more Try it now!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Challenging Robert T. Perrys Critique of Charles Murrays...
Real Education Is a four-year college really necessary for your desired occupation? Would you feel successful obtaining credentials in vocational training rather than a college degree? How would your parents feel with this choice? Questions like these are debated widely in our society today. In the essay, â€Å"On ‘Real Education’†, Robert T. Perry, the South Dakota Board of Regents director, declares â€Å"we need more, not fewer university and community college graduates†(625). He is responding to the contrasting stance on higher education that Charles Murray stated in his book, Real Education. Perry challenges Murray’s main claim that our country is wasting resources and time sending so many Americans with low intellectual capacities to college.†¦show more content†¦The arrangement of the essay is clear and organized, making it simple for the reader to follow. Perry provides background information, states his claim, presents evidence, and suggests solu tions. He does successfully present a thorough, convincing argument supporting why college graduates are important factors in our society’s success. The appeal to reader’s emotions is also a very effective technique. Gaining audience support increases the likelihood of â€Å"winning†the argument. However, the opposing viewpoint is criticized throughout the essay’s entirety; it is these deceitful representations that cause the most damage to Perry’s argument. Appealing to the reader’s emotions is the most effective strategy used in the essay. The first sentence Perry’s audience reads begins with, â€Å"Bell Curve author Charles Murray†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (625). He expects the audience to be familiar with Charles Murray and his scandalous book that caused public outrage and controversy in 1994. Relating intelligence levels to race and social class sparked a variety of feelings and opinions among people. Perry evokes the reader’s emotions by including this memory. If it arouses anger, the reader is more likely to evaluate Murray’s opinions critically. Presenting a negative circumstance around the opponent undermines their argument, or â€Å"poisons the well†. By starting the essay this way, it
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on LGBTQ Youth The Endless Strife - 1362 Words
Rudy Estrada and Rob Woronoff wrote of the following statement made by an adolescent during the 2002 Regional Listening Forum for LGBTQ youth: I realized that being gay is not my problem. It’s their problem. I see it as a social disease. I try not to get involved in negative communities. But I do try to teach them. I’d rather teach them than ignore them. Otherwise, the ignorance will continue and nothing will ever be done about it. (380) Ignorance is the root of nearly all tribulations surrounding the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning community. Education is a way to eradicate the ignorance. It is also the government’s responsibility to assist the LGBTQ community. In order to combat homelessness, parental abandonment,†¦show more content†¦These youths, especially those from the LGBTQ community, live a life filled with substance abuse and survival sex. Beyond that, 70 percent of the participants in the study stated conflicts with their parents were important contributors to their decision to leave home (1-2). â€Å"Helping LGBTQ Youth Transition to Adulthood depicts organizations such as Green Chimneys and One Heartland that exist to provide safe environments for LGBTQ youth. Green Chimneys is centered in New York and focuses on homeless adolescents (3). One Heartland, as told on their website, is an organization with the vision of â€Å"a world where everyone feels appreciated, c elebrated, and free of stigma and discrimination.†It values education and diversity (â€Å"Mission, Vision, and Values†). The government’s responsibility is to find better living environments for those who have no home. LGBTQ teens cannot continue to be swept under the rug and forgotten. Homelessness can seem like a haven to the LGBTQ community, rather than facing the misunderstanding in their homes (â€Å"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender HeathNew†2). Teenagers can be put into the child welfare system. As discussed in an article by Jill Jacobs and Madelyn Freundlich, ordinarily the goal is to find homes for minors (300). In the case of LGBTQ youth, the adolescents are usually entered into the foster
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Video Games On Society - 1274 Words
Violence in video games can affect ones mindset in so many different ways, where we don’t even realize it. For example playing â€Å"Grand Theft Auto†for a few hours will change your mindset. Even though it wouldn’t be in a tremendous way, but for a few minutes your mindset will think, â€Å"This game is so much fun, I want to steal cars, have police chase me, shoot at people, even steal helicopters†. According to Social scientists in the New York Times, Many studies have shown that this is becoming a major issue because of how realistic these games are starting to look. According to PBS Newshour, Another issue is, with all these major shootings, such as the Sandy Hook, The theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, The Newton Killer, Adam Lanza ; all show that they played many violent video games. But there can be other reasons as to why they made such a major impact to this world. It could have been depression, bullying as a child, feeling socially isolated, or even a certain state of mind, where they feel like they have to transform that game into real life. PBS Newshour, Reports that the Newton killer, Adam Lanza, spent hours playing games such as â€Å"World of Warcraft†, which led him to leave 20 children dead with no remorse. Jeffrey Brown, a consultant, went to North Virginia to speak with young high school children who actually play these games. He asks them about what does it do to their state of mind. One student admitted that he is fully aware of the violence and all the action inShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1463 Words  | 6 Pages Movies, video games, music and television shows come in different genres. However, depending on age in regards to youth not just anyone is allowed to: watch certain movies, buy just any video game, listen to any music or watch any tv show. Sometimes they can see certain movies with a parent or guardian. Seeing violence in excess causes violent acts to take place in society because it gives ideas to viewers or listeners especially those who are young. This the reason there are ratings for mediaRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society Essay1380 Words  | 6 Pagesthe 1970’s, video games in America have been controversial. Currently around 97% of America s children play video games in some form; from home consoles such as Xbox, to personal computers and mobile games on smartphones, even in an educational form, video games are nearly everywhere and bringing in big money. Around $21 billion is being funneled into a domestic video game industry. But what are these kids viewing when playing video games and how does that affect their role in society? A commonRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society1525 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The reason why people find it so enjoyable is that games are usually the right degree of challenging and the player takes an active role (unlike watching television) so there is an incentive to achieve†(Gee). Ever since video games were invented there was an immediate attachment and an unwillingness to release them. They present chances to accomplish things one may not be able to do in their life, and provides an escape from reality. Video games also imprint and teach new skills to the gamers whoRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society980 Words  | 4 PagesAs a growing medium, video games are often associated with various negative connotations that have obfuscated its positive contributions made to society. As a result, the general public is unaware of how video games have shaped modern-day, some eve n consider it a meaningless teenager pastime, but this is distant from reality. Video games are important to society at large because they do not serve for entertainment purposes only, they are a major force in the economy, scientific research, and militaryRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1588 Words  | 7 PagesSince the creation of Spacewar in spring of 1962, video games have dramatically improved along with technology. It has become the most popular way of entertainment in modern civilization, but it also has become a subject of public concern regarding to its negative effects on peoples psychological and physical problems, especially in children and teens. Video games are now recognized by a study as an addiction according to the journal Psychological Science: â€Å"Researchers used data on 1,200 childrenRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society2285 Words  | 10 PagesFrom the inception of Pong to the latest chapter of the video game series Assassinâ €™s Creed, virtual gaming has been scorned and shunned as a detriment to society. Older generations speculate that incessant gaming in young children insinuates violence, antipathy, lack of creative initiative, and develops an unhealthy isolation from the real world. However, in recent years, these postulates have been put to the test; a number of scientists have conducted experimentation in order to discover whetherRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Game On Society1466 Words  | 6 PagesFor generations games have been an important part of our culture. Many of these games center on war and strategic tactics. Boys and girls have played soldier, Cowboys and Indians, Monopoly, or Chess . Through games such as these the future men and women of society learned strategy and the consequences of controlling and restraining themselves because their actions had consequences. However with the invention of the computer high definition graphics, these games, and many others have been cre atedRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Society859 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to a U.S Study by Rideout Et Al (As Cited in Anderson Bushman 2001.a), the popularity of video games is rapidly increasing. In a U.S study by Butchman Funk (As Cited in Anderson Bushman 2001.b), Around 60 percent of 4th grade girls prefer violent games and about 3 out of every 4 boys with a similar age also prefer ferocious ones. This essay will argue that violence in video games should be censored. For the purpose of this essay, violence can be defined as the physical force intendedRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society1298 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction During the advent of video games, the world was taken by storm, as this new type of entertainment caught the attention and imagination of the populace; but as this attention grew, concern and scrutiny weren’t far behind. Controversy finally got its chance in the 1990s, when games finally upgraded to 16-bit, giving them the ability to depict realistic blood and gore in games like Moral Kombat; which was criticized for excessive violence, a reason Congress used to create the EntertainmentRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1632 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology is a large part of modern society, especially in industrial society. Depending on who you ask, people are either in favour of the advancement in technology or some are against its progression arguing that people have become too reliant. Cellphones are one of the main forms of technology that people talk about most, questioning whether they are a good thing or bad. Many people are also concerned with the advancem ent in video games, worrying that video games are the cause of crime and violence
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Overview of Internetworking Empowering Digital Employee
Question: Discuss about theOverview of Internetworkingfor Empowering Digital Employee. Answer: Introduction In a project management, it is crucial to evaluate the opportunities, challenges as well as limitations for predicting the outcome of the particular project. Development of information and communication technology, application of internetworking helps to provide additional benefits to the organization. The study describes scopes, challenges and limitations involved in the project. In addition, in order to implement the project in hospitality industry, hardware requirements along with network design has been proposed in the present study. Scopes of the Project It is important to analyze scopes involved in the project. Advancement of internetworking technologies allows getting competitive advantages in the business. Implementation of Cisco solution can be helpful for the staffs and customers of the organization. The solution enables the customers to be responsive to the customers. Moreover, adoption as well as implementation of the technology can create application on premises and advanced service as well as promotes the employees of the organization [1]. It is required to capture and digitize in the hospitality industry that can be achieved with the help of this project. Moreover, the solutions can be helpful to advise guests in effective way. The e associates can develop virtual experts to give face-to-face concierge services on mobile devices. It assists the staffs answering questions of the customers regarding local environment, site-seeing and shopping as well as other excursions. Challenges in the Project It is crucial to identify the challenges for identifying the challenges in the organization. The Cisco solution is based on internet. Hence, disruption over the online service may break down the entire process. In addition, it is required to maintain balance in the work operation that has a chance for hampering in the project. Implementation of the project requires knowledge on the information technology [2]. Therefore, the services require training on the matter. The company needs to bear additional costs to use the project. These are the challenges may faced by the organization in order to implement the project in the organization. Requirements for the Project Implementation of the project requires hardware that has some specifications. Hardware required for the project is servers, computers, cables, modem, network router, cables as well as mobile devices. The personal computer needs to have Windows 7/8/10 operating system specification, 500 GB hard drive memory and mobile devices [3]. Database server as well as web server is required for the project. In addition, twisted pair cable of CAT5E series, manufactured by Prysmian Australia Pty Ltd are required for the project. M27500-20TET14 model number is required for the project. The cable has capability of 100 MBPS TPDDI and 155 Mbps ATM. Port used for connection is 23. In the project, unshielded twisted cables are used. Network Design in Netsim Figure 1: Diagram of network in the organization (Source: Created by Author) From the above diagram, it can be stated that there are two routers in the organization. Two switches are connected with the routers. From the switch 1, PCs of staffs are connected along with phone. On the other router, Router 4, phone and PCs are connected. Advantages of Proposed Design It is important to analyze benefits of the design that are implemented in the present project. The project enables the staffs helping the consumers in pro active way with the help of mobile devices. It can enhance the responsiveness with on-site Wi-Fi networks. Moreover, speed on-boarding training can be achieved with the help of the technology [4]. Implementation of the technology optimizes the staffing based on the traffic patterns as well as analytics. Limitations of the Project The major limitations of the project are disruption of online connection. As the entire project is based on online services, any issues in the online system can break down the system [5]. In addition, the hospitality industry is 24*7 hours service; any problems in the operation can disrupt the process. Conclusions From the above discussion, it can be said that analyzing scopes, limitation as well as challenges for the project. In addition, description of the needs is useful to implement the project in successful way. Analyzing limitation can allows finding out the issues and generating solution in order to overcome the issues involved in the project. References [1]L. Palinkas, C. Brown, L. Saldana and P. Chamberlain, "Association between inter-organizational consensus on use of research evidence and stage of implementation of an evidence-based practice",Implementation Science, vol. 10, no. 1, 2015. [2]E. Sta?czyk-Hugiet, "Business Strategies - Inter-Firm Network Perspective",Organization and Management, vol. 2011, no. 5148, 2011. [3]S. Tasselli, "Social Networks and Inter-professional Knowledge Transfer: The Case of Healthcare Professionals",Organization Studies, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 841-872, 2015. [4]J. Vargas-Hernndez, A. De Len-Arias, A. Valdes-Zepeda and V. Castillo-Girn, "International Student Collaboration and Experiential Exercise Projects as a Professional, Inter-Personal and Inter-Institutional Networking Platform",JPAIR Institutional Research, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013. [5]H. Yu, T. Wen, H. Di, V. Anand and L. Li, "Cost efficient virtual network mapping across multiple domains with joint intra-domain and inter- domain mapping",Optical Switching and Networking, vol. 14, pp. 233-240, 2014.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Abstract This report is based on the research that has been conducted to investigate the effects of the secondary education and banks credit rates per capital gross domestic products. Motivated by an assignment to advice the minister for finance on policymaking, the research used regression analysis and test of hypothesis to analyze sets of data.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Recommendations For Strategy Of Raising The Country’s Per Capita Gross Domestic Product specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The research established that secondary education has higher positive impacts on per capital gross domestic product as compared to bank credit rates. It, therefore, concludes that the available finances are allocated to the secondary education. Introduction Gross domestic product is defined as a measure of a country’s total productivity level. It refers to â€Å"the market value of all finished goods and services†within a territorial boundary and in a specified period (Mankiw, 2008, p. 496). Elements of gross domestic product include â€Å"consumption, investment, government purchase, and net export†(Mankiw, 2008, p. 496). Investments are monetary value of resources that are used for production of goods and services. Realized through individual citizens, corporate bodies and governments, investment rates and levels are the factors of availability of resources and the capacity to acquire such resources through savings or loans. Another element of the gross domestic product is government expenditure through such avenues as central and local governments and their agencies. This category of expenditure includes payments to civil servants and payments for public service utilities such as education and healthcare among other services that are provided by either state or federal government. Consumption as an element of the gross domestic product as well as net export also de pends on availability of resources and disposable income in a country. High levels of disposable income correspond to relatively high consumption and trade levels (Mankiw, 2008, p. 496). While real gross domestic product measures a country’s productivity level, per capital gross domestic product measures the value that is attributable to an individual citizen. The per capital gross domestic product is a factor of population growth and size and has an impact on living standards and utility levels in societies (Boyes and Melvin, 2007, p. 389, 390).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Brooks (2008, p. 502) explains that one of the fundamental pillars of the economic growth is the availability of resources for consumption, investment or government expenditure. Financial institutions which are sources of loans the expenditures are, therefore, instrumental factors in economic growth. The ability to provide loans to investors and private consumers, for instance, has directs impacts on consumption, investments, and net export (Brooks, 2008, p. 502). Particularly, credit growth rates among financial institutions determining the lending rates to entities and, consequently, affect consumption and investment levels. A crisis in the financial sector strains the banks’ lending capacity leading to reduced lending with high interest rates. The consequence will be the reduced consumption and the investment capacity to negative economic growth (Brooks, 2008, p. 502). Economic growth through expansion of gross domestic product has also been associated with the education levels among countries. One of the relationships between education and economic growth is the derived empowerment to career developments. Individuals who proceed to high schools and tertiary institutions have high propensity to good employment opportunities and income. Education also leads to d evelopment of rational decision making that prompts savings and investments. As a result, investment in education is an effective initiative to stimulating economic growth. Though economic stability through education appears to be realized only at individual level, there is a derived macroeconomic benefit to both governments and societies. Employment opportunities, for example, generate taxes to the government besides the investments and increased consumption levels. Higher education levels, attained through secondary education, are also associated with the technological advancement in economic processes. This leads to lower operational costs resulting in more savings and higher production capacity (Bloom et al, 2005, p. 16).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Recommendations For Strategy Of Raising The Country’s Per Capita Gross Domestic Product specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Evaluation and analysis of r elationships among variables, such as per capita gross domestic product, education rates, and bank credit rates are possible through the linear regression models. This statistical tool identifies the existence of a relationship between a dependent variable and a set of explanatory variables and establishes significance of such relationships besides comparing the effects of independent variables on the dependent variable (Gujarati and Porter 2009, p. 13-20). Linear regression makes assumptions of linearity, ‘homoscedasticity’, and normality of variables (Newbold et al, 2010, p. 428). This paper seeks to investigate the relationship between per capital gross domestic product and the rate of enrolment in secondary schools and credit rates of financial institutions. The paper seeks to answer two research questions, ‘Is there a significant relationship between per capital gross domestic product and both secondary schools enrolment rates and financial institutionsâ€⠄¢ credit rates?’ and ‘Is the relationship between per capita gross domestic product and high school enrolment rate stronger than the relationship between per capita gross domestic product and credit rates of banks and other financial institutions?’ In order to answer the research questions, the paper will test the following sets of hypothesis: H 0: There is no significant relationship between per capita gross domestic product and the considered explanatory variables;Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More H 1: There is a significant relationship between per capita gross domestic product and the considered explanatory variables. Using a comparative approach, the effects of the two independent variables on per capita gross domestic product will be analysed. The paper will also test on the validity of statistical assumptions of linearity, ‘homoscedasticity and normality. Methods Participants and design The set of data used in the research relates to statistics of different countries across the globe. The countries, therefore, formed the participants of this work. The research organised the data for inferential analysis. Materials The research used existing secondary sources for data collection. The resources were identified to be reliable since they were obtained from established institutions such as the United Nations and the University of Pennsylvania. Procedure The research procedure involved acquisition of sets of data from the sources. This was followed by organization and su bsequent transformation of data into derived variables. The research then used ‘Stata’ software for analysis into making inference and conclusions. Result and discussion Developed spreadsheet The attached spreadsheet in appendix 1 shows the compiled data for the fifty countries that were considered in the project. Testing hypothesis The research used ‘Stata’ to test the following model Where ÃŽ ²i is a constant and ui represents noise. The symbols in the model are as defined above. The set of hypothesis is Against the alternative hypothesis, Since the probability value is high, higher than 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted. This implies that there is no significant relationship between the variables as expressed in the above model. Further, the model explains only 19.77% of the analyzed data making it unreliable. The following set of hypothesis on relationships between change in per capital gross domestic product and the individual explanatory variab les tests on existence of significant singe relationships. H 0: ÃŽ ²i=0, no significant relationship between the dependent and the explanatory variable, The table value is 2.04 leading to rejection of the null hypothesis, at 95% confidence interval. This leads to acceptance of the null hypothesis, at 95% confidence interval, since the computed value falls within the acceptance region. The relatively smaller computed value leads to acceptance of the null hypothesis, at 95% confidence interval. While the general model suggests the absence of relationship between per capital gross domestic product and all the explanatory variables, single inferential tests show the existence of a significant positive relationship between the dependent variable and the percentage of secondary school enrolment. The contradiction is attributable to the existence of many other variables in the general model that do not contribute to the dependent variable. Advice to the finance minister From the model , unit percentage increase in secondary school enrolment leads to a corresponding increase in per capital gross domestic product by 0.2502821*In (65) %- In (55%) = 4.18% A unit percentage increase in bank credit has a positive impact of 0.2124701* (52%-38%) =3% on per capital gross domestic product, though this effect is not significant. The minister should, therefore, direct the funds to secondary education. Test for validity of statistical assumptions The statistical assumptions made over the considered set of data are linearity, ‘homoscedasticity’, and normality. Using the RESET test for the null hypothesis of a linear mode against an alternative hypothesis of a nonlinear model leads to acceptance of the null hypothesis. The LM test for ‘homoscedasticity’ also leads to adoption of the null hypothesis of ‘homoscedasticity’. The ‘Bera’ and ‘Jarque’s skewness- kurtosis’ test, however, leads to the rejection of t he null hypothesis of normality. Normality assumption was, therefore, not correct. Remedy for lack of normality Remedying lack of normality involves exclusion of extreme values, values corresponding to Zimbabwe. A subsequent test over the assumptions indicates linearity, ‘homoscedasticity’ and normality. Effects of re specifying and re estimating the model After re-specifying and re-estimating the model, secondary education and bank credit rate had the following impacts, Effect of ‘lseced’ on GDP per capital =0.2599967*In (65) %- In (55%) = 4.34% Effect of credit on GDP per capital= 0.1564118* (52%-38%) =2.2% Revaluation of specification and estimation of the model does not affect the advice because secondary school education still holds higher effects on per capital gross domestic product. Conclusion Gross domestic product and per capital gross domestic products are subject to government expenditure, consumption and investments among other factors. This re search evaluated the impacts of government expenditure in secondary education and commercial banks on per capital gross domestic product in order to advice the finance minister on a suitable policy decision. The research concludes that secondary education funding should be preferred over banks. This is because of its higher and more significant contribution to per capital gross domestic product as compared to banks credit rates. Reference list Bloom, D., Canning, D., Chan, K., 2005. Higher education and economic development in Africa. Available at:, p. 16. Boyes, W Melvin, M., 2007. Economics. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning Brooks, C. 2008., Introductory Econometrics for Finance. London, UK: Cambridge University Press Gujarati, D. Porter, D., 2009. Basic econometrics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Mankiw, G. 2011., Principles of Economics. Mason, OH: Ceng age Learning Newbold, P, Carlson, W Thorne, B., 2010. Statistics for business and economics. London, UK: Pearson. Appendix country ypc90 ypc05 open govgdp CPI90 CPI85 seced credit 1 Algeria 5314.63 6291.14 73.97 10.85 98.12 85.65 61 0.4 2 Australia 23209.99 34323.39 28.85 13.46 112.1 84.85 82 0.13 3 Bangladesh 1616.16 2166.01 17.81 8.18 20.8 23.39 19 0.21 4 Belgium 24558.91 31750.13 124.59 14.84 112.3 68.78 103 0.35 5 Brazil 7811.24 9000.3 13.39 21.34 50.76 34.79 38 0.24 6 Burkina Faso 926.09 1290.77 59.15 38.37 51.68 40.56 7 0.18 7 Cameroon 2710.21 2579.45 30.56 10.67 42.21 30.51 28 0.28 8 Canada 25534.32 34590.49 49.94 15.21 108.9 91.43 101 0.77 9 Chile 8639.98 16965.69 47.41 16.17 45.54 43.04 73 0.47 10 China 1929.15 6482.99 23.82 20.27 22.95 30 49 0.86 11 Cote dIvoire 2890.67 2315.96 63.45 12.74 47.54 32.77 22 0.4 12 Ecuador 4882.98 5755.93 41.55 21.28 32.49 59.65 55 0.12 13 Egypt 3595.06 5230.06 62.33 7.41 33.39 37.41 76 0.28 14 Ethiopia 859.95 963.19 27.95 18.38 32.49 38.94 14 0.23 15 France 23657.62 28779.31 32.71 16.86 120.7 75.72 99 0.92 16 Germany 24599.27 29547.74 40.66 12.02 113.3 69.59 98 0.93 17 Ghana 1258.5 1530.09 58.88 18.12 38.46 57.32 36 0.05 18 Greece 17022.2 25467.06 36.71 14.13 79.84 48.97 93 0.35 19 Hungary 11441.58 16216.88 36.52 27.65 38.39 30.4 79 0.45 20 India 2001.59 3365.34 17.05 28.29 29.55 33.71 44 0.26 21 Indonesia 3216.91 4883.97 46.59 18.32 26.45 33.55 44 0.37 22 Iran 5691.14 9498.28 75.76 13.88 260 83.44 55 0 23 Italy 23168.6 27794.86 42.58 13.32 114.2 64.35 83 0.48 24 Japan 26384.61 29780.3 16.86 10.71 131.2 89.34 97 1.92 25 Kenya 2061.24 2017.39 43.02 8.41 26.49 32.17 24 0.3 26 Korea 11908.21 22048.39 32.56 10.16 71.63 53.58 90 0.9 27 Madagascar 1071.44 862.79 57.23 12.09 31.15 36.51 18 0.15 28 Malawi 935.71 1179.62 55.7 6.72 29.12 25.23 8 0.13 29 Malaysia 8418.95 16481.49 139.83 13.87 43.53 50.1 56 0.67 30 Mali 880.52 1254.06 45.73 19.82 41.02 26.29 7 0.12 31 Morocco 4499.87 5096.45 44.93 10.7 28.23 21.05 35 0.13 32 Nepal 1453.76 1885.79 31.53 16.32 21.8 23.78 33 0.12 33 Netherlands 24618.6 32638.07 78.34 17.61 100.9 63.98 120 1.4 34 Nigeria 1339.46 1810.23 56.44 7.02 40.67 103.41 25 0.12 35 Pakistan 2425.93 3269.38 32.09 18.53 26.24 28.75 23 0.24 36 Peru 4024.44 5733.98 24.54 12.71 44.23 22.04 67 0.04 37 Philippines 3385.71 4063.08 74.32 13.53 25.53 27.8 73 0.2 38 Poland 7194.65 12666.11 27.72 20.19 27.51 41.98 81 0.02 39 Saudi Arabia 22516.86 20731.34 79.73 17.74 48.85 62 44 0.64 40 South Africa 7915.05 9609.77 38.4 22.27 45.73 29.33 74 0.84 41 Spain 19111.88 29150.46 27.62 11.87 98.98 51.88 104 0.75 42 Sri Lanka 3151.19 5328.64 54.8 23.42 21.91 22.73 74 0.18 43 Sudan 955.79 1959.82 29.33 6.41 163.5 52.41 24 0.06 44 Syria 1816.6 2595.87 71.3 23.84 129.5 140.14 52 0.07 45 Thailand 5405.67 8666.41 90.5 11.93 38.47 35.79 30 0.72 46 Turkey 5366.32 7132.83 24.63 15.27 69.38 45.98 47 0.13 47 Uganda 740.1 11 67.26 27.08 32.61 39.99 62.88 13 0.02 48 U.K. 21742.5 30275.79 36.97 16.48 102.7 68.53 85 1.13 49 Venezuela 10146.72 10972.88 46.47 21.96 38.18 60.39 35 0.23 This report on Recommendations For Strategy Of Raising The Country’s Per Capita Gross Domestic Product was written and submitted by user Swarm to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
ACT Exam Time Management Handing in the Test Early
SAT / ACT Exam Time Management Handing in the Test Early SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips I recently received a question from one of my students that I believe highlights a very common mistake: "I find that on some sections I finish early and close the section ahead of time – does this mean I'm doing well on those sections?" Here, I'll break down why this sometimes happens, and what it means for you. Isn't Getting Done First a Great Thing? Many students are used to high school exams where the genius in the class finishes ahead of time and hands in the test early. These students then get the idea that handing in the test early is a sign of genius, and strive for the same on the ACT / SAT. But it turns out that closing a section early is almost always a huge mistake on the ACT / SAT due to time management. Read on to find out why. Why Finishing Early is a Huge Mistake The SAT / ACT are time-pressure tests. This means the creators of the tests on purpose give you much less time than you need to feel no time pressure on the tests. Few, if any, students are smart enough to really finish early. I personally received perfect scores on the SAT and know dozens of classmates who got perfect ACT / SAT scores, some of who are genius mathematicians, and none of these people ever finished early. Time is gold on the test, and you canalwaysconvert time to a higher expected score on these tests (I'll show you how). If you accept this, then it's obvious you shouldn't be handing in the test early: are you getting a perfect score in that section you're handing in early? If not, why aren't you using the techniques below to convert that extra time to a higher score? How to Convert Time To Score Okay, you're handing in your math section early, yet you're far from getting a 800. How do you convert that extra time into a higher score? Strategy #1: Have pacing checkpoints. Finishing early should never take you by surprise. You should be glancing at your watch every 5 minutes, and seeing whether you're "too ahead" or "too behind" in your section. Finishing early means you're "too ahead" – you'll realize this halfway through the section. In this case, slow down on the problems. Employ strategies that trade off time for points: read each question twice, write more neatly, think more about each question, double check your answer. This class of strategies "burns" your free time and harnesses it into extra points! Strategy #2: Double check each problem. Okay, say you employed the strategy above, and still have a few minutes left at the end. What do you do? Go back and check your problems. I don't mean glancing at them and mechanically saying to yourself "okay, yeah, that was right," but actually redoing the problem a different way. A very helpful trick is to actually mark "questionable problems" with a star while you're doing the test the first time around. Questionable problems are those you aren't sure about but don't want to waste time on the first time through. When you have time the second time around, go to the starred problems first. Oh, and what do you do if you finish a second check? Hand it in early? Nope, check it a third time. Take it from me – there are countless times I've found one serious mistake on a second or third check-through. That's 20-40 points right there, on a single section! To conclude, never hand in your test early. Manage your time during the first run-through so you never have too much time in the end. If you still end with too much time, check it over again! If you liked this article, you might enjoy: Why you need to prepare for the SAT / ACT How to get a perfect ACT / SAT score Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Friday, February 21, 2020
Tolstoy's Concept of Power and Leadership Research Paper
Tolstoy's Concept of Power and Leadership - Research Paper Example On the other end, leadership is driving unpopular initiatives in a populace. For instance, within an organization, it would require a person to identify a numbers of approaches that would be used for the purposes of making changes. This will depend on many aspects including freedom of the subordinates and the authority that the leader possesses. For instance, an authoritarian approach entails the power of the leader to make decisions on their own and then telling those that they lead instructions on what is to be done. Here, those being led have no chance of deciding on what they should perform. Another approach to the power and leadership issue consultative approach that involves consultation. Here, those in leadership positions consult a few people on some decision and actions that they would be taking. They also inform these people on the changes that would be likely to occur. This enables them to institute the right measures that would benefit a large number of people. In additio n to the two most liked methods above, there is democratic approach where a team of people would be involved in decision making process. In this approach, the leader assists the group in forming structures and encourage those involved taking in decision making process.... At the above mentioned levels, there are various people are who include; managers, chief executive officers, directors and even supervisors. It is likely that such people may acquire their motivation from different aspects. Those aspects may be from within the organization or from outside the organization. The aspects above may be different but would serve the purpose of achieving a common goal.. This research paper looks at primary motivators for leading, correct mind set within the organization and characters of those leading. What motivates leaders? Desire to make differences At times, some of the staff members within the organization may be observant and identify areas of weaknesses. Such weakness may be impacting negatively on their efforts within the organization. This may be from within the organization, those in leadership positions or even those under leaders. It would be time spent on petty issues, meetings and taking too much time to accomplish inadequate results. Other as pects within the organization may include; confusion in carrying out tasks, poor ways of evaluating the executive, committees that achieve remarkably little, poor documentation of records and even poor appraisal and remuneration techniques. In the political arena, it may be poor governance that they would like to change. It may also be the structure of politics that they would want to change, and this will serve as a motivation factor to these people. The above situation may serve to motivate people who are determined to take a step towards leadership in organizations. This is because they feel that their efforts are being wasted by other people within the organization. This would make them initiate changes within the organization. For example, they may
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
My Job Diary Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
My Job Diary - Term Paper Example The human resource manager introduces me to the chief auditor from the auditing department of the insurance company. The chief auditor concludes the day in the evening by promising me that the next day I will be oriented in the auditing department within the company. The second day of my internship, I arrive at the office at 8.00 am; I am gaining confidence in this endeavor. I meet up with the chief auditor in his office; to my surprise, he had called the main employees from the auditing department in his conference room for a formal introduction procedure. The chief auditor has put me on the hands of the supervisor; we manage to move from one station to another within the auditing department getting to know what each station and employee contributions to the whole functioning of the department. After the tour, the supervisor winds up the day by talks on how the company has provided the employees with a conducive work environment. The third day of my internship, the chief auditor, gives me the room to ask anybody any question concerning the auditing department. I have been instructed to visit any part of the department I do not feel well acquainted. Technically, I am taking a solo tour getting to know all the paths and corners within the company. My day in the office as usual starts at 8.00 am, under the instructions of the chief auditor, the supervisor takes me to sections where the bank reconciliation audits are handled. I get familiar with the employees and the work they do in that section. I start working on the reconciliation audits by myself since I have mastered the procedures to follow. I realize that my speed is not the same as the other co-workers, but with time, I know I will catch up. With the help of a co-worker, I learn how to work with both soft and hard copy of the audits.Â
Monday, January 27, 2020
Cross Cultural Marriage Essay
Cross Cultural Marriage Essay The world is an interesting and a diverse place to live in. An Intercultural Marriage is a union of two people involving numerous cultures and backgrounds. When two various cultures combine together, there may be significant challenges they have to face. Each race ensures there own culture. A culture may differ from one to another due socially transmitted behaviour patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Culture is a system of shared beliefs and values and is constantly evolving and changing around the world. The presence of intercultural marriages and intimacy is clear and expanding in societies throughout the Culture may consist of shared language, religion, or ethnicity. America is one of the greatest multicultural and multiracial societies in the world at the moment. Nevertheless, this may come across as a shock to most people but as lately as 1966, 17 states in the United States actually had laws against the interracial marriage a nd all of the states regulated marriage between whites and other races in the country. Discriminations against miscegenation are usual nowadays. Despite the significant number of intercultural marriages in the U.S today, mere empirical research has been done to determine the nature of these marriages (Ngye Snyder, 2000) and marital satisfaction. Communication style and interpersonal relationships are fundamental aspects of culture and can vary dramatically from one culture to another. There may be language and communication barriers. It is noteworthy to remember that everyone on this earth has culture, not just those clusters that are considered civilized. The majority of culture is unseen, below the surface. For example, when a Russian man marries an Italian it is not only the differences in native language (Russian vs. Italian) and religion (Eastern Orthodox vs. Roman Catholic) but also a host of cultural differences associated with such factors as expression of emotion, conflict expression and management, the role of the of family of origin in raising children (Sullivan Cottone, 2007). The beliefs and values that lie beneath the surface can be the most difficult to change when it is necessary. (Progressive Scholar, 2010) Interracial marriages are not always intercultural marriages, as in some countries, for example, in t he United States, people of different races can share the same cultural background. (Source Wikipedia, Last access 17th August) it is easy to comprehend why it is difficult to let go of a tradition or expectation. It isnt easy to deal with the legacy that weve all grown up within our ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Though it seems to be a very romantic love story, in the beginning, the truth is, it can be very challenging and frustrating in real life. And it is simply not about being racist, marriage has a deeper meaning to it, which dwells in understanding it, is possible to have extremely strong and natural negative feelings surrounding an interracial relationship or a marriage even though youre not considered as racist. Legal or not illegal the question is should interracial marriages be encouraged? The union between two different cultures altogether will give space to different experiences and opportunities in life, but most difficulties in the marriage life where it is concerned. Adoptions to a different culture altogether maybe not turn out to be an easy task. Individually ethnic and cultural variances put pressure on the marriage itself. With two diverse cultures, a family often has struggled with understanding the differences between the families. Most of the time, such differences are not even recognized and unexplained. At this position an even larger problem with intercultural marriages. It is easy to look at why it is difficult to let go of a tradition or expectation. It isnt easy to deal with the legacy that weve all grown up within our ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Numerous cultures will consume different marriage laws, customs and also parental disagreements which will lead to disputes. There will be lower material satisfaction, higher divorce rates due to logistics. Language barriers, different traditions and societys disapproval of these factors will lead to higher failure of the marriage. Hence, a union between two cultures should not be encouraged due to the factors mentioned above. The report will consist of three major factors which are mainly focused on miss- contribution towards an inter-cultural marriage. Initially how the marriage is affected by the cultural shock, diverse of marriage laws which can lead into disagreements plus adaptation to various cultures and environmental factors. Secondly, the societys points of view, Spouse facing discrimination due to colour and differences, if he/she is beyond the racial divide. The last point will conclude of dissipation of culture. The report contains information based on various countries and issues with diverse cultures marriages. 2.1 ADAPTATION TO A DIFFERENT CULTURE The main intention of getting married is to emotionally, spiritually and physically unite men and women together, as husband and wife, it is a commitment made in the presence of God, and is valid until death. Intercultural marriages are often influenced by external factors that can create a confrontation and disagreement in relationships. Different cultures endure vastly diverse moral, ethical and value foundations that influence their perceptions of individual, family and societal lifestyle. When these fundamentals are operating alongside the foundation of different cultural roots, as in intercultural marriages, problems and disagreement oftentimes occur. It takes an effort to combine two cultures successfully, and a willing attitude to learn from both partners. The first argument against intercultural marriages is the cultural shock (adaptation to a new culture). When considering an intercultural marriage either one of the partners have to get introduced to a new culture. Ideally, both have to get used to each others cultures and laws to survive the marriage and this will create a lot of problems in the process. For an example A non-Muslim marrying a Muslim will have to obey to certain laws in Islam; Islam forbids marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men. Therefore, any partner will have to convert and obey Islamic rules (sound vision, 2010). In the case of Muslim men marrying Jewish and Christian women, the situation is different. While Islam does allow this, Muslim men marrying Jews and Christians need to remember that living in the West, if they end up divorcing, the children will almost automatically be given to the mother. The converting process from one religion to another and adapting to new laws will create massive problems that will even end the marriage. Additional wrinkle in U.S. Muslim family law practices stems from the structure of authority in Islamic jurisprudence since there has never been an official church certifying individuals to speak on behalf of the religion, the field is open for any dedicated Muslim to seek to act as imam and lead a community (Quarishi Syed- Miller, 2001) therefore, non-Muslims have a very rare chance of winning and surviving in the marriage due to different laws in different cultural laws. Moving on, Intercultural marriages have contrasting differences between traditions and cultures. Although a few studies have looked into this aspect, cultural differences also stimulate marital conflicts, particularly in intercultural marriages. In fact, the quantitative study of Takano (2002), pointed out that 19% of the marital discords in interethnic couples involved in his study are attributed to cultural differences.). Couples that enter a cross-cultural marriage bring into their relationship vastly diverse assumptions and expectations about marriage and family life. Many of these assumptions flow out of the values, unspoken rules and belief systems that permeate their primary cultures. These unspoken values have become so much a part of their lives that they are almost hidden from view. For an example, the way of celebrating Christmas is different in Germany rather than America (J). In fact, many of these cultural differences do not surface until after the couple is married. However, New experiences and new culture altogether may interest an adventurous spouse as its a unique once in a lifetime experience and the difficulties greatly depend on how religious and culturally bond the families are. Not all think out of the box, New strange land, parents and language may cause distress at the beginning of the marriage life. One spouse will live in the country of origin and the other will be a stranger in a strange land the pleasantness maybe fall apart after sometime when trying to fit into a different family, culture. Marriage and customs differ from one country and another culture.For example, Indian marriage customs are varying from marriage customs of Chinese traditions. In Japan the Japanese bride to be painted pure white from head to toe, visibly declaring her maiden status to the gods. There are two choices of headgear exist. One which is, the watabÃ…Â shi, is a white hood, the other is called the tsunokakushi, serves to hide the brides horns of jealousy. It also symbolizes the brides intention to become a gentle and obedient wife. During the period of the traditional wedding days, there would be a tilak ceremony (where the groom is anointed on his forehead), a cerem ony for adorning the brides hand then cover the feet with henna (called mehendi) accompanied by Ladies Sangeet (music and dance) and many other pre-wedding ceremonies. Hence, marriage traditions, customs and beliefs may clash due to the above points mentioned so far. Religion runs deeper since they practice their faith and it is a part of their cultural identity that they want to hang on to. The accurate, customs and special days associated with the religion remain significant to them. The regarding the worship of the children will matter some religions deny the validity of all others and insist on conversions or demand that the children should be brought up in that religion. A couple might face difficulty in deciding on this above point and the spouse form the other religion may feel inferior and down. For example, Orthodox Judaism teaches that the family must repudiate (sit shivah for) a child who marries a non-Jew: Islam demands obedience to Gods law only as revealed by Muhammad, and also requires that a Muslim marry a fellow Muslim. The Catholic churches until recent years insisted that a non-Catholic partner sign a prenuptial agreement to raise any Catholic children. Particular Christian sects preach that all outsiders are damned to eternal fire and prohibit any marriage to people of different faith. At this specific point, the problem may occur with the faith plays a major role in decision making this is if the partner is intensely religious. As they approach each others separate territory, there is a new language, new customs and a new standard of normal to be learned. While culture a certain behaviour might be accepted, here it might cause native offence. This sought of marriage is similar to a foreign alliance, with two separate people coming together and discovering the heritage and history of the other. 2.1 Disapproval from parents and rejection from society No man is different from the other; every human being is created equal. Some optimists believe its the mind of one that creates all the boundaries. But over the time when people get used to one way of living, it is likely that they maintain the trend, generation after generation, this is where culture plays a role. Once you are used to that play it is very hard to get rid of it or adopt a different style of living. Culture is a total of the inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, which constitute the shared bases of social action (Collins Dictionary). So as these practices are a significant and unique part of a group of people at a particular period, they are no longer equal anymore, one would be different from the other from the thoughts and beliefs. Intercultural marriages go beyond the racial divide, Which will lead to discrimination by people around them and which may make it uncomfortable to family and parents Interfaith, intercultural and interracial marriages are subj ect to special stresses and strains beyond those experienced in most marriages. Issues are apparent from early in the relationship. Differences often emerge during wedding planning, and these can involve the expectations of partners families of origin about the wedding ceremony, etc. Child rearing can also bring religious, cultural and/or racial issues to the surface as decisions about religious practices and education are confronted for the first time. (Patricia S. Gregory A., 2003) Disapproval from parents for a cross-cultural marriage is customary. Parents should play a major role in their childrens marriage set up. As a matter of fact, the parents fear to risk the life of their unmarried children who might face discrimination from the partners family members. There may also be communication problems if they speak different languages. And It is typical of parents to want their children to find a spouse from there own religion and culture, just to make life easier, and this a better place to live. There are situations where they decide to migrate to the spouses country, which Is living far away from there own family. The parents of an interracial couple usually feel that they have been lowered by their children. A cross-cultural communication in a marriage should respect differences. In marriage you just dont marry another you interconnect with another family as a whole.Intercultural marriages can also include people from different races getting together, a sit uation where there are much more complicated issues when it comes to marriage. (the cultural difference is greater). On the contrary, there is intercultural marriages present within the country like in India, The culture of India is an amalgamation of these diverse sub-cultures spread all over the Indian subcontinent and traditions that are several millennia old.Religiously, Hindus form the majority, followed by Muslims The Republic of Indias state boundaries are largely drawn based on linguistic groups; this decision led to the preservation and continuation of local ethnolinguistic cultures. Thus, states differ from one another in language, culture, cuisine, clothing, literary style, architecture, music (Wikipedia) Another problem is that many of the couples have to encounter is societal disapproval. We have to cope up with our society in spite of our own opinion. The society, on the other hand, considers intercultural marriages as straying from traditional values. A Society is an organization of people who share a common cultural and social background. (Oak, 2007) The consequences of marriage affect every aspect of society. It occupies the most intimate aspect of personal privacy and personal love and reaches the pillars of the sacred institutions of a culture. Marriage is the pillar of society, but it is also the pillar of government, business, and the military. (Wood, 2010) There are mere open-minded people who would give all the support they can, there will always be others who would make the couple feel unwelcome. The most abusive treatment would come from other children. During courtship, many of the racial differences might have overlooked, but after marriage, the couple might find t dif ficult to make adjustment as each group practices a different way of life. Another discouraging occurs when the couples try to participate in social organizations. Although societys disapproval will not affect the couple as seriously as parental disapproval, it is still an issue that cannot be ignored. ( Sure as it is multicultural marriage requires a lot of sacrifices. We have to cope up with our society in spite of our own opinion. The society, on the other hand, considers intercultural marriages as straying from traditional values. A Society is an organization of people who share a common cultural and social background. (Oak, 2007) The consequences of marriage affect every aspect of society. It occupies the most intimate aspect of personal privacy and personal love and reaches the pillars of the sacred institutions of a culture. Marriage is the pillar of society, but it is also the pillar of government, business, and the military. (Wood, 2010). In this global world nowadays people are becoming accepting more than they used to, and less ignorant. In the eyes of the person who is getting married this may no longer matter as love has no boundaries. It really does not. Maybe our soul mate is from a different country and religion altogether. Marriage is a union of two who are in love. The relationship depends on the person in them. Care and trust are more important than what the persons religious or cultural background is. There will also be less discrimination amongst races. Nevertheless, There comes a point where it really does matter, because a marriage needs to be maintained throughout with commitment and understanding, it is a bond that is virtually irrevocable. In order to be more comprehensive, it is excelling if they have a grip on what it is, even better having practised the same. Parents agreement for a marriage would be very important and as it is a blessing from them indeed in the years ahead, many face this problem, because parents do not think like the present generation does. Also the society holds the view that a marriage is the stability provided by a life-long promise of remaining together which makes marriage the institution most suited to rearing and socializing the next generation of members, a necessary task if the societys norms, values, and goals are to be maintained and if the society itself is to be is to be immortalized (M White, 1995). Each culture has its own way of communicating, arguing, eating, sharing, and showing affectio n. Most cultures remain intact by passing along their nuances, habits, and sayings for hundreds of years, with only slight variations occurring within each generation. (Henshaw, n.d) 2.3 Culture dissipation There are numerous cultures available throughout the world. People around the globe are similar in their essential humanity: we communicate with each other, we sustain ourselves with food, and when we sleep we often dream. Yet we speak different languages, eat different foods, and dream different dreams. These are what we call the cultural differences. (Jervis. N, 2006). Let not scores of men/women abandon their culture and disappoint there parents and family in any way. All religions that accept or desire converts have had to adapt themselves to the cultures where they spread or they would not have been accepted. (Jervis. N, 2006) In the new era, as intercultural marriages are present, dissipation of culture is on the increase. As people migrate, get married to people of different culture and religion, there will be less who maintains the traditions ethics and values that they are nurtured with. These differences like religion, ethics etc. affects the spiritual stability of the marr iage in an unforeseen manner. Why is culture so important? In a society, groups of people are interactive and interpersonal. In order to understand the groups to which one belongs, it is important to recognize the various cultures or habits and traditions within each group. It makes for a better understanding between diverse groups. (yahoo-ask answers) Lets get this through, cultures are constantly changing. The attitudes, values, goals the practices that characterize each society. Technological innovation and contact with other cultures may cause these to change dramatically. An intercultural marriage is one of the causes for cultures to go extinct. And it promotes cultural discontinuity. Cultures do changes, they are never static. The responsibility of us to maintain it .also some convert from one religion to another after an intercultural marriage due to the influence of the new environment this may not always be good. After the marriage the spouse most probably the female might not experience the same traditions and ethics in the new family. There will be no one to maintain its cultures are connected to language and traditions and religions.cultural continuity is important, continuity requires that a culture stays the same thats impossible just that certain central aspects of a culture, such as particular beliefs or traditions, remain (gorigirl, 2009) On the other hand, some people believe an intercultural marriage does bring about many cultures together and ensures freedom, unity in the society and traditions should be revisited because if not women nowadays will be locked up in kitchens like in the 16th century. Cultural diffusion is good. Less racial discrimination because no one is neglecting anyone due to cultural barriers. It will also help over racists minds of few. No boundaries for love will make life easy for couples from different cultures We will always love our traditions and respect it as a part of us and would love to even teach our kids the same way. But with intercultural marriages sacrifices have to be made. Intercultural marriage is a perfect example of the creative destruction that, when successful, leads to both great innovation and happy, meaningful lives. Every marriage consists of the creation of a new family culture -but with intercultural marriages, each individual is bringing a completely distinct culture and set of traditions to the table to be combined. (gorigirl, 2009) Misbelieving in cultures will give a person no direction and sense of identity and uniqueness; people will become less traditional, religious because of the influence of many cultures and will also lead to language death. Part of our culture is language and it affects the cultural identity of the tribes or ethnic groups. They will not stick to one culture and would adjust according to there ideas as the culture is destroyed (mixed) and ignored by them. People would be less civilized after some generation as they are not nurtured according to one way of living, they will easily adapt to any change which maybe gives them no identity. 3.0 Conclusion Diversity and unity amongst people are the best, But this world is not perfect. A relationship is hard to maintain. Especially an intercultural or interracial marriage as they have to face new challenges every day, there are many hurdles they should overcome. Family and society perceptions matters. Unity is a good thing and discrimination should be lessened but miscegenation is always not the solution to reduce or top discrimination, it should come within our selves and not with due to the respect of a relationship as if it is so, it might fade after sometime when the spark of the love is faded. Many difficulties should be overcome by a success of an intercultural marriage like maintain a family. The shared beliefs and values of people should not leave them after some time, it should always in them, an intercultural marriage is affected by the cultural shock, diverse of marriage laws which can lead into disagreements plus adaptation to various cultures and environmental factors. Lang uage barriers and different traditions they are nurtured by people. Spouse facing discrimination due to colour and differences, if he/she is beyond the racial divide and dissipation of cultures occur. Sometimes the differences of each other may be too hard to handle over time also let not let go of our religion and beliefs and values due to a marriage, as our future generations need a proper culture to adapt to and to be brought up properly. Let not our own traditions breakdown. 6.0 Recommendations As intercultural marriages are faced with many barriers, due to family issues and adaptation to the culture. A marriage is not easy to maintain and its more challenging as its an intercultural marriage.As in this modern era people should be more accepting and diverse. Parents should be more attentive about the unmarried childrens desires, think more out of the box and support them throughout regardless of the cultural barriers. They should focus more on the person and the character and not judge them by the race or religion that person belongs to. Pre-marriage counseling would help to smoothen the beginning of the marriage, due to the differences Avoiding conversions to other and have faith in what they always believed in and not to change because of a marriage. Parents should always give there blessings to a marriage no matter how much they like it or not, because it does affect the couple emotionally and psychologically The society should be more accepting to differences They couple should get together and spend more time each of their familys and the places they were bought up , for the spouse to feel comfortable and less strange in adopt to changes Family and relatives should always help and support the couple throughout because its a tough challenge they have to face. Extra attention should be given to the differences and weak points of the couple so they can work on it before things go out of it is very much possible due to the differences in each other For traditions and cultures to be continued till today people should be more rational and moral. Supplementary research can be done on areas like impact on: Family life, Impact on children, nature of intercultural marriages. As these areas are not covered in the above repot, these will help expand the topic into further branches Recommended areas to research on: Advantages of intercultural and marriages in the new era. Bibiloigraphy Ballard., (2006), The International YWAMer magazine , 6th of january 2006, issue june 2006. Berry, F (1992). Langston huges, before and beyong harlem .USA: Carol PuB.Co.Group.P56-75 Donovan, S Corbin, J (2007), Intermarriages, 5th october 2007, viewed on 16th of july 2010, Available : Deborah T, You Just Dont Understand: Women and Men in Conversation (New York: Ballantine Books, 1990), pp. 188-215 Gorilgirl, ( 2009), Broken Traditions? Intercultural Marriage and Cultural Continuity, 13th of july 2009, Available: accessed on 16th of july 2010 Myers; Jane, E.(2005) , Marriage satisfaction and wellness in India and the United States, 22nd of March 2005, Available: accessed on 22nd of September 2010. Nancy J, ( Ph.D).(2006) What is a culture, (N.d)Available : accessed on 19th of September 2010. Romano, D(2006), Intercultural marriage, prmoses and pitfalls, 8th january 2006, Available: Last accessed on 26th of july 2010 Tiergert, V. Difficulties faced by intercultural relationships (2008)Availble : Last access on the 1st of September 2010
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Comparing The Chrysalids and The Day of the Triffids :: comparison compare contrast essays
The Chrysalids and The Day of the Triffids  _____John Wyndham's science fiction novels, The Chrysalids and The Day of the Triffids, do not focus on incredible and unbelievable developments in technology, as do novels of many of the stereotypical science fiction writers, yet instead focus on how the people; particularly the protagonist, deal with the many uncomfortable situations they are faced in the frightening world of the future.  _____The Day of the Triffids is perhaps Wyndham's best known novel, and tells of explosions in space blinding a large proportion of the population, at the same time as an agricultural experiment goes horribly wrong, and millions of triffids, carnivorous plants, populate every corner of the globe, threatening mankind's very existence. In The Day of the Triffids, Wyndham speculates on many things. He contemplates how the people would deal with wide-spread blindness, and how they would accept the danger of carnivorous plants on the loose - not a contemporary invention, simply basic biology working against us. In his writings he considers how the remaining people of the world would deal with such a situation, that changing situations do require new ways, and what new ways would gain acceptance.  _____Speculation about how people would react widespread blindness is an integral part of The Day of the Triffids. Wyndham considered what the consequences would be; that most of the population would die of starvation because of their inability to carry out normal daily tasks such as buying the groceries and preparing meals without the assistance of a person with twenty-twenty vision, not to mention the overhanging danger of the triffids.  'My dear,' I said. 'I don't like this anymore than you do. I've put the alternative badly before you. Do we help those who have survived the catastrophe to rebuild some kind of life?' (p 103)  Wyndham uses quotes such as that above to allow the reader to consider what the consequences would be, and also to work on the conscience of the receiving character. Wyndham considers how the people of the world would cope in such a disastrous situation with an overwhelming majority of the population being blind, where the small proportion still sighted are relied on by numbers of one thousand to one for the survival of the human race. He focuses on the devotion and responsibility it would take, to in effect, save civilization as we now know it.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Females & family Essay
Being someone means that a person has one’s own concept of an own identity. This means that one knows what he/she wants and why he/she wants it. Furthermore, one that has properly established an identity can be freed of the manipulations of others. Men and women alike are in search and in pursuance of a self that they could call their own. Even in fiction, the idea of maintaining a personal identity is exemplified. Although their pasts could never be made out quite perfectly, the characters present state and outlooks about the future are enough to explain what is the common theme. The women in the two stories lacked a certain sense of identity that is their own. Judging from their behavior, thoughts and desires, it can be safely said that being in a married state had made them lose their selves. Both female wives were accustomed to a patriarchal family where the male decides for the family. Nancy in Dead Men’s Path and Mrs. Mallard in The Story of an Hour were typical housewives who ascertain to the decisions of their husbands. Both craved for their own interests subtly. Both had unmet needs that were asking to be freed, much ignored by the people around them who were far too busy to even notice. Look more: literary analysis of the story of an hour essay The female lead character in The Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard, was aspiring for freedom that she did not even know she was lacking. Being a married person, most of her time she was thinking of her familyâ€â€husband, sister and other relatives. Her own good was put at the back of her mind and was very seldom thought of. At the time that her sister gently broke with her the news of her husband’s death, she finally realized that she had been cooped up under the shadow of her husband. Mrs. Mallard was consumed by the thought of exercising her long extinguished right. In her mind she was thinking about the future that was smiling brightly ahead of her, for times that she would be enjoying on her own. â€Å"There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself. (Chopin, 1894). †It can be said that her life with her husband had not been a rather satisfying one because her husband had not understood her likes and preferences. She further thinks that due to his death, â€Å"there would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination (Chopin, 1894). †At that instant, all she wanted was to be freeâ€â€to be really and truly freeâ€â€in the full essence of the world. That thought she had enjoyed all to herself, as others would find it hard to understand her joy. She looked at the future ahead of her with a renewed hope. In the words of Chopin (1894), â€Å"But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome. †Mrs. Mallard had been afflicted by heart attack, which showed how fragile she was. Despite the grief that she should be voicing out due to the sudden death of her husband, she could not cage the enthusiasm that gripped her intensely. â€Å"She said it over and over under her breath: ‘free, free, free! ’ The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body (Chopin, 1894). †Even her loveâ€â€or what used to be love, even in the littlest senseâ€â€had been forgotten completely. In fact, Mrs. Mallard thought, â€Å"What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in the face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being! (Chopin, 1894)†At this point she had established the notion that she was to put herself above everything else seeing that she is not expected to be caged again. She could have sensed her inappropriate response to the death and so locked herself up to celebrate with herself before she went down to face her relatives. She was excited about the future that smiled brightly at her; her time would be spent on whatever she wanted to do without reference to other’s decisions and preferences. She was at last free to be herself again. That was of course until she found out that the cause of her imprisonment was well alive and breathing, her heart failing to cope up with the sudden burst of happiness and then disappointment. The sudden news that gripped her with a revived hope for a bright future had been devastated at the truth that she was not truly freed yet. Nancy, the new headmaster’s young wife, had been burdened by the duties of a wife that she looked older than her actual age. In the following sentence her frustrations were illuminated as stated: â€Å"In their two years of married life she had become completely infected by his passion for ‘modern methods’ and his denigration of ‘these old and superannuated people in the teaching field who would be better employed as traders in the Onitsha market’ (Achebe, 1972)†. The text explicitly mentioned that since she had been married she had lost her own sense of identity and became a subordinate of her husband who had better things in mind than listen to the woes of his wife. Also according to the story, Nancy had been the listener to what his husbands had to say about other people without saying that he has listened to what his wife wants to say. Achebe (1972) illustrates this position by saying that â€Å"Her little personal misfortune could not blind her to her husband’s happy prospects. †In the scene where Nancy was excited about her husband’s new arrangement, she was thinking about her new status and how every other woman would look envious. She was not concerned with what her husband had to do for the welfare of the community. Instead, she was focused on what she would be. She wanted herself to be better in comparison to the other women. She wanted not to regret the fact that she was married to a man that was not unhandsome but not dashing either. However, when she realized that unlike her all other teachers were unmarried, young and better in terms of physical characteristics than her, she was disappointed. She had wanted to be envied and be idolized by others, especially females. Her simple dream was far from being fulfilled. In the story, her character had â€Å"began to see herself already as the admired wife of the young headmaster, the queen of the school. The wives of the other teachers would envy her position. She would set the fashion in everything†¦(Achebe, 1972). †Looking at the two stories and the roles of females in the texts, a generalization can be made stating that females, once in a married status, is asked to sacrifice certain needs that they had been accustomed to in their single life. Because of a family, the women in the stories were asked to be more mature than they actually were, thought of more important things than themselves and asked to understand others in turn. Belonging to a family that is ruled by the male, the lives of the two females could be seen as insignificant in comparison to their husbands. And because their opinions were often unheard, Nancy cannot be blamed for disillusioning herself with the prospect of being the â€Å"queen of the school†; neither can Mrs. Mallard be blamed for her blatant and straightforward yearning for freedom that had been evading him since she was married. Also, the two women could be seen as incomplete because they did not have children with whom to share their happiness with. Nancy had a husband who was busy tending to the needs of the school while Mrs. Mallard had a wife that traveled for business purposes. Both were left to search their own happiness. Word count: 1305 Reference: Achebe, Chinua. (1972). Dead Men’s Path. Girls at War and Other Stories. Harold Ober Associates Incorporated. 30 April 2009. http://www. emcp. com/product_catalog/school/litLink/Grade10/U10-02deadmen/selection. php Chopin, Kate. (1894). The Story of an Hour. 30 April 2009. http://www. vcu. edu/engweb/webtexts/hour/
Friday, January 3, 2020
SMS Quotes to Text to a Loved One
In todays hi-tech world, love has also gone hi-tech. While people still believe in expressing their love, they want to communicate their feelings instantly. The use of the internet and mobile technology has enabled instant communication. So if you are one of those tech-savvy individuals who want their feelings to be known right away, using the following SMS love quotes will serve your purpose. Short Love Quotes You Can Text W. E. HenleyOpen your heart and take us in,Love - love and me.Sarah BernhardtYour words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me.David ReedLove me and the world is mine.Herman HesseIf I know what love is, it is because of you.AnonymousWithin you, I lose myself, without you, I find myself, searching to be lost again.James J. WalkerWill you love me in December as you do in May,Will you love me in the good old-fashioned way?When my hair has all turned gray,Will you kiss me then and say,That you love me in December as you do in May?Erica JongLove is everything its cracked up to be. Thats why people are so cynical about it... It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you dont risk everything, you risk even more.AnonymousAs I gaze upon your beauty, I think to myself, never have I seen an angel fly so low...Elizabeth Barrett BrowningI love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.Shirley BasseyId like to run a wayFrom you,But if you didnt comeAnd find>I would die.Ibn AbbadMy night has become a sunny dawn because of you.HobbesI think we dream so we dont have to be apart so long. If were in each others dreams, we can be together all the time.AnonymousOnly a person who has not felt true love can move on in life saying There are lots of other fish in the sea.Dick SutphenLove me without fearTrust me without questioningNeed me without demandingWant me without restrictionsAccept me without changeDesire me without inhibitionsFor a love so free...Will never fly away.Steve WinwoodThink about it, there must be higher loveDown in the heart or hidden in the stars aboveWithout it, life is a wasted timeLook inside your heart, Ill look inside mine.Antoine de Saint-ExuperyAnd now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.Henry David ThoreauI love you not as something private and personal, which is my own, but as something universal and worthy of love which I have>AnonymousJust because somebody doesnt love you the way you want them to, doesnt mean they dont love you with all they have.
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