Friday, February 21, 2020

Tolstoy's Concept of Power and Leadership Research Paper

Tolstoy's Concept of Power and Leadership - Research Paper Example On the other end, leadership is driving unpopular initiatives in a populace. For instance, within an organization, it would require a person to identify a numbers of approaches that would be used for the purposes of making changes. This will depend on many aspects including freedom of the subordinates and the authority that the leader possesses. For instance, an authoritarian approach entails the power of the leader to make decisions on their own and then telling those that they lead instructions on what is to be done. Here, those being led have no chance of deciding on what they should perform. Another approach to the power and leadership issue consultative approach that involves consultation. Here, those in leadership positions consult a few people on some decision and actions that they would be taking. They also inform these people on the changes that would be likely to occur. This enables them to institute the right measures that would benefit a large number of people. In additio n to the two most liked methods above, there is democratic approach where a team of people would be involved in decision making process. In this approach, the leader assists the group in forming structures and encourage those involved taking in decision making process.... At the above mentioned levels, there are various people are who include; managers, chief executive officers, directors and even supervisors. It is likely that such people may acquire their motivation from different aspects. Those aspects may be from within the organization or from outside the organization. The aspects above may be different but would serve the purpose of achieving a common goal.. This research paper looks at primary motivators for leading, correct mind set within the organization and characters of those leading. What motivates leaders? Desire to make differences At times, some of the staff members within the organization may be observant and identify areas of weaknesses. Such weakness may be impacting negatively on their efforts within the organization. This may be from within the organization, those in leadership positions or even those under leaders. It would be time spent on petty issues, meetings and taking too much time to accomplish inadequate results. Other as pects within the organization may include; confusion in carrying out tasks, poor ways of evaluating the executive, committees that achieve remarkably little, poor documentation of records and even poor appraisal and remuneration techniques. In the political arena, it may be poor governance that they would like to change. It may also be the structure of politics that they would want to change, and this will serve as a motivation factor to these people. The above situation may serve to motivate people who are determined to take a step towards leadership in organizations. This is because they feel that their efforts are being wasted by other people within the organization. This would make them initiate changes within the organization. For example, they may

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